Moving Through the Pearl Islands
05 September 2007 | Isla Vivervos, Pearl Islands, Panama

We've made it to Isla Viveros, which is a really cool looking island in the central part of the Pearl Islands. Chris and Julie brought Cisnecito through various parts of Africa and say this particular spot reminds them a bit of Madagascar. We plan to slowly work our away through the islands, stopping to see anything interesting or intriguing. The motor down here was nice and peaceful. We ate lunch on the way and caught some fish, which was an added bonus. One bonito, a skipjack tuna, and a spotted mack. We only kept the mackerel, which was the largest of the fish, and plan on having BBQ'd fish tacos tonight! We saw 3 or 4 whales during the short trip which is becoming a regular occurrence. . In fact, a day has not gone by here in the Pearl Islands when I haven't set eye on a whale. When snorkeling you can clearly hear them underwater which is a bit spooky at first, but really cool too.
We motored around a bit when we arrived and explored a near by island's beach which was quite beautiful. Various types of rays (spotted bat rays and sting rays) could be seen quietly lying in the sand below as we slowly pulled the dingy onto the beach. I walked around the beach and explored some huge rocks that slowly sloped toward the water. Today we plan on diving into some of the other nearby islands and see what they have in store. We have a few boat projects as well, so we just might do something productive today too. Maybe not though.