Ep. 45 Bad Moon Rising
16 November 2024 | Jupiter
Bill Bernaerts | windy

As the sun was setting the weirdest full moon rose over the trees last night but getting a good quality photo was not possible using the cell phone camera. But the full moon does help explain the extra high/low tides and currents we have been experiencing for the past couple of days.
And while to old belief that human behaviour is influenced by the full moon, modern science has since disproved this. However it may not be the case with boaters. Today we were heading to a bridge and there was a sizeable power boat approaching from the other side. I could see he was moving pretty good by the bow wave he was pushing but I thought he would slow down to go under the bridge as it is a "no wake" zone. Well apparently he took that literally as he must have been asleep as he ran under the bridge at likely 20+ knots trailing a 3' wake and almost hitting us! Lunacy or another case of PBBHS (power boater butt head syndrome)? You be the judge.
It was very busy on the ICW all day being a weekend with boats flying around everywhere. As I said yesterday the waterways here are very shallow so staying in the channel is a must for our boat. We saw a number of boats that were either sunk or washed ashore along the way here which illustrates that point.
In Fort Pierce we passed a wrecked trimaran named the Ultimate Emotion 2, which apparently was a very famous record setting ocean going racer that set a new speed record for crossing the souther Atlantic in 2020. Unfortunately it had a catastrophic failure on a race to a Bermuda in 2022 with hull cracks and mast delamination. Fortunately no one was hurt. Mysteriously it been sitting at this location for over a year now and details are hard to find.
Had a few lift bridges to run today, having to wait a few minutes for 1 but got into an anchorage in Jupiter tonight, right beside the ICW. it was pretty bouncy with all the boats blasting around but it settled down once it got closer to dusk. Now the wind, that's another story....
A nice diagram showing the effects of sun and moon on tides so right now we're full moon situation.