Ep. 36 (Lake) Worth it.
17 November 2024 | Lake Worth
Bill Bernaerts | Cooler and overcast.

Pulled into the Lake Worth anchorage this morning after negotiating a few bridge lifts. We stopped at the marina on the way in and fuelled up taking on 116 litres of diesel, which we burned in 47.6 hours of engine time or 2.4 ltrs/ hour @ average speed of 6 knots so 285 miles. Also filled our water tanks and dumped some garbage. The dock guy was super helpful and we had a conversation with a boater who couldn't believe we came all the way from Canada in the boat. Yup, we're actually rounding third base and heading for home plate now!
Monday is last chance provisioning day so we'll dingy ashore and hit the grocery store and wherever else we need to go.
Our crossing on Tuesday will mark the trip to the Bahamas just under a 60 day journey and approx 1700 nm. Was it Worth It....ABSOLUTELY!
People have asked why we are doing this and there are several ways to answer that question. Bucket List item, adventure, new skills development, calculated risk taking and the challenge of not only completing the journey but in doing it well all come into play here. Sailing is a challenge that takes years to do well and master and this is an excellent way to enhance those skills in 1 of the best sailing destinations in the world. A lot of time, effort, research and planning went into pulling this off. As you have read there have been lots of challenges along the way, but we have managed our way through them all and here we are, 1 day away from our goal, in 1 piece! (hope I didn’t just jinx us). The following clip from Doug Jackson aboard SV Seeker kind of sums it up for me.
Stay tuned!
Today's shot is of 1 of the sites you see along the ICW, this 1 in Jupiter Florida. I can't figure out which is more expensive, the house or the yacht. But 1 thing is for sure, there is a lot of money in this part of the world!