Hanna Jane

Follow along as we jump off the proverbial cliff and restore an old wood ketch to cruise the pacific northwest!

30 September 2014
18 September 2014 | C-Dock
04 September 2014 | Home in her slip
02 September 2014 | Port Townsend Boat Haven
20 August 2014 | Port Townsend Boat Yard
23 July 2013 | Port Townsend
25 July 2012 | Port Ludlow
25 May 2012 | Port Ludlow
10 April 2012
28 March 2012 | Port Ludlow
31 January 2012 | next to her big Sis
16 August 2011 | Friday Harbor
16 August 2011 | Sucia Island/Friday Harbor
19 July 2011 | Brownsville Marina
06 July 2011 | Port Ludlow WA
07 June 2011 | Port Gamble Bay WA
11 May 2011 | Port Ludlow WA

OK so I have been informed that someone is listening?

18 July 2013 | Port Ludlow
Mike Sunny!!!!
Well well well... As it turns out there is someone watching our blog? I thought since I was the only Trawler on a sailboat sight that I was not welcome anymore! Well If anyone is "really" interested in hearing all my rants about the progress of bringing a 40year old wooden boat back to acceptable status please send a note and I will pay better attention and get some pics going! To be honest I have been lazily watching Eagles progress and not keeping up! So here's your chance! Convince me to bore you with the details of our cruising adventures or not!!!!
Vessel Name: Hanna Jane
Vessel Make/Model: 1940 Tahiti Ketch
Hailing Port: Port Ludlow WA
Crew: Michael & Sharon McGouran
About: This is our second wooden boat.. Need I say more?
Extra: We bought Hanna in August 2014. She has circumnavigated 3 times and was in need of a new lover.

Hanna Jane

Who: Michael & Sharon McGouran
Port: Port Ludlow WA