Hanna Jane

Follow along as we jump off the proverbial cliff and restore an old wood ketch to cruise the pacific northwest!

30 September 2014
18 September 2014 | C-Dock
04 September 2014 | Home in her slip
02 September 2014 | Port Townsend Boat Haven
20 August 2014 | Port Townsend Boat Yard
23 July 2013 | Port Townsend
25 July 2012 | Port Ludlow
25 May 2012 | Port Ludlow
10 April 2012
28 March 2012 | Port Ludlow
31 January 2012 | next to her big Sis
16 August 2011 | Friday Harbor
16 August 2011 | Sucia Island/Friday Harbor
19 July 2011 | Brownsville Marina
06 July 2011 | Port Ludlow WA
07 June 2011 | Port Gamble Bay WA
11 May 2011 | Port Ludlow WA

here comes the rain again...

30 September 2014
So as often happens on this planet the rotational orbit around our sun causes seasons. There must be a speed bump where summer and autumn come together because the change happened over night! Given the fact that Hanna has open deck seams along her bulwarks rain has the amazing ability to run right down into the rain colleting area. You know it as a bilge. Anyway when we bought Hanna she came with a very ill fitting swath of canvas that did not do the job it was intended to do but was a lot of fabric. So we have set up shop on Lilliwaups stern since she is already buttoned up for the season and began the job of seem ripping, measuring and recreating a winter cover for poor Hanna Jane. More to come as it happens!
Vessel Name: Hanna Jane
Vessel Make/Model: 1940 Tahiti Ketch
Hailing Port: Port Ludlow WA
Crew: Michael & Sharon McGouran
About: This is our second wooden boat.. Need I say more?
Extra: We bought Hanna in August 2014. She has circumnavigated 3 times and was in need of a new lover.

Hanna Jane

Who: Michael & Sharon McGouran
Port: Port Ludlow WA