18 December 2014 | 17 38.894'N:61 51.378'W, Antigua area

N17.03.984; W 61.53.023 December 18, 2014 Jolly Harbour - Antigua Shawnda arrived on Wednesday Dec. 10th and we departed Jolly Harbour to spend the first night out in Deep Bay, just south of St. Johns. We did not go right through to Barbuda as we would have been bucking almost a direct headwind and Thursday it was forecast to veer more easterly. After anchoring Shawnda was in the water immediately for her first swim here. We then took the dingy in and walked up the hill to old Fort Barrington (see our album) and then down the beach. Thursday morning we raised the anchor and headed for Barbuda. As advertised, the winds had veered easterly so we had a great sail averaging about 8 knots with a max of 9.2 so we arrived at Barbuda by 1220 in the afternoon. We went into Low Bay, an almost (not quite, there is one small ritzy establishment on the north end) deserted 11 mile beach. There was just one other boat when we arrived but a 4 more came in later. Not bad though, 6 boats over an 11 mile beach. We went swimming and took the dingy to shore but had to anchor it off and swim in due to the rollers hitting the beach; we would have been swamped. Friday morning first thing I saw a "fin" break the water right beside our boat and no, it wasn't a dolphin. Only saw it once though. Later we moved further down the beach (not because of the fin) and did the same thing, swam and then hit the beach. Sunday we took the boat around to the south side of the island and anchored west of Cocoa Point, again off another sand beach. Shawnda and I took the dingy out to go snorkeling about ½ mile off shore amongst some of the many reefs on this side of the island. We spent much of our time watching the sea turtles all around our boat and then Monday we all went to shore and walked the beach again and explored once was a very nice upscale resort that had been closed for 8 years. It has been completely overgrown, donkeys are wandering around and cocoa nuts lying everywhere. The resort itself was boarded up but you can see where it was quite nice. Regardless, it was a very nice beach with numerous reefs that you could snorkel on from shore. Tuesday morning it was time to head back to Antigua so Shawnda could catch her flight on Wednesday. How the time flew, she just got here! Shortly after our departure Laurie saw a pod of Dolphins and by the time Shawnda came up two were swimming in our bow wave. They only stayed there a short time but we got to see this for the first time but did not have time to get any photos. Shortly afterwards we were "buzzed" by a Cessna Conquest II not once but three times! Again see the album. The guy in the right seat had red hair.... We arrived back at Jolly Harbor around 2 PM, secure the boat and went to the pool for a swim and to rinse the salt off. Wednesday at noon Shawnda took a taxi back to the airport to head back to Banff; we are sorry to see her go, the time just flew by. Sunday Laurie and I are both heading back to Canada for a few days over Christmas. I am heading to Thunder Bay to visit Ryan, Crystal, Sheldon, Payton and Atari (who is now walking!!!) while Laurie heads to Ottawa to visit Elaine and the rest of her family.