06 March 2015 | 17 04.530'N:61 53.754'W, Jolly Harbour Anchorage

N17.04.530; W 61.53.754 Friday March 6, 2015 Jolly Harbour Anchorage As planned, we returned to Jolly Harbour on Monday February 16 and took a dock slip for the week. I had to return to Thunder Bay on the 17th for my cancer clinic appointment (that went well, still clean) on the 19th. Laurie stayed behind on the boat and cleaned, waxed and polished just about everything. It looked great! I arrived in Thunder Bay around 11PM and it was a little chilly. (no mitts) Headed to RyanÂ's and when we got up in the morning it was minus 38 C; without the wind. Brrr. Had a good visit and then headed back to Jolly Harbour on Saturday with an overnight in Toronto and the flight to Antigua on Sunday. Barb and Neil also arrived on Sunday for their 10 day visit but arrived after me on WestJet. Unfortunately, I started to feel sick on the flight back (the cold weather? The kids were not sick) so I felt pretty bad for the first few days of their visit. None the less, we headed to Barbuda on Tuesday the 24th and anchored at Spanish Point. We hung out there for a few days (until I got better) and then headed to Low Bay. There we went back out to the Frigate bird sanctuary and had lunch at Barbuda Outback, our new friend JalaÂ's small restaurant on the beach. The next day we headed in and hired JalaÂ's brother, Calvin (we did NOT know they were brothers and in fact, we had booked it ourselves so Jala didnÂ't know his brother was taking us Â- small island) to take us to the Coderington ruins (the house built around 1770), the sink hole (that was neat) and then to the caves and 2 foot beach. We wandered around town and talked with various people (it is friendly here) before heading back across the lagoon and to the boat. The next day we were planning on going around Cedar Tree Point but the wind was pretty strong (30 kts. +) out of the Northeast so it would have been too choppy to use the dinghy there. Instead we headed further up Low Bay and spent a relaxing couple of days exploring the 11 mile beach. All too quickly the 10 day visit was up and we headed back to Jolly Harbour with a double reef in the main and our Yankee Cut Solent. Slightly underpowered but we had company! Still made it in about 5 hours though. We anchored out and then Barb and Neil treated us to dinner out at the Italian Restaurant here. (Thanks!!!) They flew back home and arrived safe and sound on Wednesday (4th). So rather than head back out we decided to do some ongoing boat chores, laundry and re-provision while we wait for Ryan, Crystal, Sheldon, Payton and Atari to arrive on Sunday! Looking forward to their visit as well! Out Â"long termÂ" plan after they leave is to head back to St. Martin via Barbuda, provision and then try St. Kitts and Nevis again before we continue south to Guadeloupe, Dominica and further.