Hele Aku Adventures

Pacific Seacraft 37

Another sunny Monday

17 October 2022
Brenda Houseknecht
Weโ€™ve spent the last two nights at Green Turtle Bay resort. Several other Loopers- were there and we had enjoyable conversations with many. We walked to Pattiโ€™s restaurant and had the most amazing 1 inch thick pork chop dinner. All of the other dishes were delicious also.
Keith has spent a few hours helping another sailor friend who is having some fuel filter issues. Not surprisingly they got it resolved.
We put up sails on Kentucky Lake and found a beautiful Cove to anchor for the night. Iโ€™m sending a collage of pictures. Let me know how that works for you guys. Venture On K&B
Vessel Name: Hele Aku
Vessel Make/Model: Pacific Seacraft 37
Hailing Port: Sandusky Ohio
Crew: Keith and Brenda