Hele Aku Adventures

Pacific Seacraft 37

16 May 2023
13 May 2023
08 May 2023
04 May 2023
01 May 2023
26 April 2023
25 April 2023
21 April 2023
20 April 2023
14 April 2023
13 April 2023
08 April 2023
07 April 2023

Another sunny day!🌞

19 October 2022
Brenda Houseknecht
Today has got to be better than yesterday! We started out with an unexpected 32Β° and we were anchored out so we had no heat.πŸ™ƒ I was making the bed and jammed my finger into the edge of a metal plate on the outlet. It lifted my entire nail. Then I went to pay a MasterCard bill only to find transactions amounting to $5316.23. Expenses that weren’t ours. 7+ hours later it was resolved. πŸ˜…
We left Lake Barkley (land between the lakes)on Sunday and were able to do some sailing on Kentucky Lake that is 40 miles long. The Tennessee River is much more interesting/ pretty. Amazing how many white pelicans we’ve seen and multiple bald eagles. They are so lovely n Majestic.
We planned a long day today wanting to get the miles and the cooler weather behind us. There are still 15 to 20 Looper- boats that we see daily. Two other sailing boats are going along about the same pace as us. Both couples are much younger than us and have sold their homes and planning on staying in the Bahamas for an indefinite time. Sailors tend to stick together!
The trees are getting more colorful 🍁 but very muted compared to the brilliant ones in the NE.
Venture On K&B
Vessel Name: Hele Aku
Vessel Make/Model: Pacific Seacraft 37
Hailing Port: Sandusky Ohio
Crew: Keith and Brenda