Spring Haulout is Complete
23 April 2010 | Hampton, VA
After almost two weeks all the bottom work and painting the boot strip is complete. Shew. I worked every day, for at least three hours after work and weekends. I had to really push to get it all done last night as the weather forecasts here are the pits this weekend, and no promises that next weekend will be different. April showers... Wow, can you count on those when you are hauled out and need dry weather. No complaints though.
I hauled out at a little marina and yard called Dandy Haven. A great place with reasonable rates. Yes, it is not a joke. A 43 foot Shelokum hauled out last weekend and they draw 6 feet. Had a little problem when he got out of the middle of the channel, but otherwise he said it was a breeze. Okay, enough advertising.
Sail back to the docks tonight and am already anticipating a victory drink, or two.