M/V Hesperus

14 May 2016
14 March 2016 | Hampton
20 December 2015 | Hampton
18 November 2015
27 July 2015
01 February 2015
01 February 2015 | Hampton, Va
04 June 2013 | Hampton, Va
25 December 2011 | Hampton
01 May 2011
20 January 2011
24 December 2010
11 December 2010 | Hampton, VA
09 December 2010 | Hampton, VA
04 May 2010 | Hampton, VA
23 April 2010 | Hampton, VA
23 April 2010 | Hampton, VA
15 March 2010

Closing of 2015

20 December 2015 | Hampton
As 2015 is coming to an end, I am but reflecting on this year and the changes. For me, the big change was going from sail to power. Never did I think I would be trying those shoes on as my love of sailing has been and always will be strong.

It was with much consideration with regards to my future travel desires that prompted me to look at trawlers and even try to believe the trawler life would be better than sail. After looking at all the amenities a Monk has though, and knowing how little sailors actually sail while heading north and south along the ICW, it became apparent that this change would not be all for the worst.

I did luck out in a major way in finding a trawler in my price range that was outfitted so well and in terrific condition. The PO's really loved this vessel and put money and efforts in taking care of her and keeping her in top notch condition.

Of course one of my boats wouldn't be my boat without some improvements and upgrades. It is one of the most fun things I enjoy doing on any boat I have owned.

So to date, the items I have installed are, a refrigerator, TV in the main salon, WiFi extender (permanent installation on going) and an upgraded anchor windlass (gathering all parts and will me my main winter project). I'm also relocating the temperature sensors for heating and air conditioning, in order to have a more controlled temp aboard.

All and all though it has been a great time this summer with many small trips in the southern Chesapeake bay and looking forward to next years adventures.

I certainly have a well founded boat that is capable of taking me anywhere and everywhere I dream of going. Future plans include traveling up and down the east coast, Bahamas and if i get really lucky and daring, Cuba.

In closing, I wish all my family and friends a great new year with success and health.

Captain Steve
Vessel Name: Hesperus
Vessel Make/Model: Monk 36
Hailing Port: Hampton, VA
Crew: Steve