19 January 2014 | 02 21.241'S:105 37.595'E, between Bangka and Sumatra
10 January 2014 | 02 44.5'S:111 43.9'E, Kumai, Kalimantan, Indonesia (Borneo)
07 January 2014 | 06 59.103'S:114 07.199'E, East end of Madura, Eastern end of Java, Indonesia
24 December 2013 | 08 30.473'S:116 01.389'E, Lombok, Indonesia
19 December 2013 | Komodo National Park, Indonesia
14 December 2013 | Komodo National Park, Indonesia
06 December 2013 | 08 31.113'S:119 52.065'E, Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia
05 December 2013 | 08 23.583'S:120 02.972'E, Flores Sea
04 December 2013 | 07 57'S:120 49'E, Flores Sea
03 December 2013 | 07 16.0'S:122 11.7'E, Bone Rate, Indonesia
02 December 2013 | 06 03.9'S:124 08'E, Wakatobi, Indonesia
01 December 2013 | 04 54.932'S:126 13.158'E, The Banda Sea
30 November 2013 | 3 42.134'S:128 10.149'E, Ambon City
25 November 2013 | 4 31.374'S:129 53.872'E, Melissa's Garden, Raja Ampat, Papua
25 November 2013 | 4 31.374'S:129 53.872'E, Raja Ampat
25 November 2013 | 4 31.374'S:129 53.872'E, Banda Neira
18 November 2013 | 1 53.459'S:129 43.990'E, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
18 November 2013 | 1 13.245'S:129 45.069'E, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
17 November 2013 | 0 26.578'S:130 26.639'E, Raja Ampat
10 November 2013 | 0 57.185'S:130 40.136'E, Raja Ampat
A rough ride
19 January 2014 | 02 21.241'S:105 37.595'E, between Bangka and Sumatra
For the past several days we've been trying to get from Borneo to Batam, where we will check out of Indonesia and head to Singapore. Wind on the nose at 20-25kts and current ranging from 1 kt to 4kts against us, and averaging 1.5 to 2kts against us. Slow, uncomfortable progress. This is the downside of passing through Indonesia during the NW monsoon. Fortunately, for most of our 3 months here, it has just been calm, with occasional torrential down-pours. So, its actually been lovely. The last several days, have been a tough slog. We'll end up having to stop a couple hundred miles short of our goal of Batam. We need more fuel, and we may need to see about a visa extension as the weather doesn't look like it will change over the next week.
The picture is one of the people of the forest that we met last week in Kalimantan. Very up close and personal!