This Just In... I'm going sailing!
11 March 2010 | Charleston,SC
I got the word from my doctors that they believe I'm stable enough to leave. (Medically speaking, of course. Alas, I'm afraid that my "stability" will forever be a topic for conjecture.....) To that end, I'm beginning to make preparations for getting back under way. No small feat after a nearly six-month hiatus.
My plan right now is to sail back up to New Bern, North Carolina, where I spent most of last summer. I'm planning to leave in mid to late April, finally! Don't get me wrong, to use the current vernacular, I love me some Charleston, I'm just ready to start moving again. For quite some time there, I didn't think that was going to be an option.
Now, I have another decision to make. In May, it will be time to renew (or not) my Sailblogs account. I'll leave it to you (3 or 4) loyal readers. Is it worthwhile to do so or should I let it expire? Anyway, I have a couple of months to make up my mind so feel free to opine in the comment section.
Meanwhile, thank you all for your cards, emails and letters of support. It really helped me through a tough time.