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09 January 2013 | Port Canaveral, FL
13 November 2012 | Key West, FL
26 October 2012 | Key West, FL
16 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
13 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
12 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
12 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
10 October 2012 | Key Largo, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
05 October 2012 | Cocoa Beach, FL
04 October 2012 | New Smyrna Beach, FL
03 October 2012 | St Augustine
01 October 2012 | Jacksonville, FL
30 August 2012 | Jacksonville, FL
25 August 2012 | Isle of Hope, GA
21 August 2012 | Charleston, SC
21 August 2012 | Charleston, SC

Where There's Smoke....

08 May 2011 | Fernandina Beach, FL
I left my slip just after sunrise and crossed the St Augustine Inlet and continued north. Just after I passed through Jacksonville, I noticed the skies darkening to the north and west. I had checked the weather and there was no mention of any rain or storms in the area.

As the time passed, I noticed that the color of the sky was not typical of an approaching storm. It was more of a gray-green color. I then started to hear talk about on the VHF radio. As it turned out, there was a rather large brush fire in the Okee Fenokee (SP?) Swamp and the wind was carrying the smoke south and east over the Atlantic. Who would have thought that a swamp could catch fire?!?

Anyway, as the day wore on, the smoke became thicker and really blocked out the sun. The color of everything seemed muted, like those old sepia-tone photographs from the civil war era. It was kind of eerie. By the time I reached Fernandina Beach, I could even smell a slight odor of smoke in the air.

I arrived at Fernandina Harbor Marina without incident and prepared to spend my last night in Florida for this trip.
Vessel Name: Norma Fay
Vessel Make/Model: Hunter 386
Hailing Port: Racine, Wisconsin
Crew: Mike Miller
About: I recently retired from the trop-rock band the "Boat Drunks" and I'm going sailing. Heading through the Eastern Great Lakes, down the ICW and to the Bahamas for starters. Then...We'll see!

Norma Fay

Who: Mike Miller
Port: Racine, Wisconsin