Next Verse

09 January 2013 | Port Canaveral, FL
13 November 2012 | Key West, FL
26 October 2012 | Key West, FL
16 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
13 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
12 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
12 October 2012 | Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL
10 October 2012 | Key Largo, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
09 October 2012 | Ft Lauderdale, FL
05 October 2012 | Cocoa Beach, FL
04 October 2012 | New Smyrna Beach, FL
03 October 2012 | St Augustine
01 October 2012 | Jacksonville, FL
30 August 2012 | Jacksonville, FL
25 August 2012 | Isle of Hope, GA
21 August 2012 | Charleston, SC
21 August 2012 | Charleston, SC

Shifting Gears

13 November 2012 | Key West, FL
Well, its been a fun and productive stay here in Key West. I got to play lots of music, see some old friends and make some new ones. Now, I'm beginning to make preparations for heading back to the mainland.

Yesterday, I rented an air tank and dove on the hull. My bottom paint is getting a little "tired" so there was plenty of sea life to scrape off. I also cleaned the prop, replaced my prop zinc, topped off my fresh water and refilled the battery water.

I plan to leave here in about a week and head back to the Cocoa Beach area. As always, my exact route and schedule depend on the weather and sea conditions. Even though I don't place very much stock in long range weather predictions, I have already started watching the weather forcast.

My preference would be to go "outside" from Boot Key to Palm Beach in one long 24+ hour run. That would put me two days from Cocoa Beach after that. Again, thats my preference but I always give the weather the last word.

In the mean time, here's a picture of me and my buddies at Captain Tony's.
Vessel Name: Norma Fay
Vessel Make/Model: Hunter 386
Hailing Port: Racine, Wisconsin
Crew: Mike Miller
About: I recently retired from the trop-rock band the "Boat Drunks" and I'm going sailing. Heading through the Eastern Great Lakes, down the ICW and to the Bahamas for starters. Then...We'll see!

Norma Fay

Who: Mike Miller
Port: Racine, Wisconsin