Don't pay the ransom!!!
06 January 2009 | Fort Pierce, Florida
Judging from my emails, the predominant theory seems to be that I may have been kidnapped. Actually, I've just been hanging out and enjoying the Holidays and, of course, the weather. (sorry!) The primary reason for my lack of posts however is the very weak and unreliable internet signal here. Despite all of this, I haven't been completely idle.
This Saturday, I plan to leave Fort Pierce and get ready to head for the Bahamas. My friend Bill is coming up to sail with me to Stuart where we will provision for the trip. Then we'll head south to Lake Worth and wait for a suitable weather window to cross the Gulf Stream. Weather permitting, I should be in the Bahamas by the middle of next week. I'm really looking forward to making the trip with Bill and Karen. They are great people.
If all goes well, I will resume posting complete with pictures as soon as possible.