The Hynes Honeymoon!

09 February 2019 | Earth
05 December 2012
25 May 2010 | San Francsico, CA
22 May 2010 | Brissy to Sydney, Australia
14 May 2010 | Bundaburg to Brisbane
10 March 2010
02 March 2010 | Hiva Oa, Marquesas
15 February 2010
14 February 2010 | Half Moon Bay, California
08 February 2010 | Virginia to Australia
04 February 2010 | Norfolk to Sydney
03 February 2010
20 January 2010 | From Norfolk to Australia, 15,500 miles
15 January 2010
11 January 2010 | Brisbane, Australia
07 January 2010 | Nammucca Point, NSW, Australia

Day 0

04 September 2008 | Osterville, Cape Cod
Day 0 / Partly Cloudy and 75 degrees
Author: Seth
Pic: Brochure shot of our boat, real ones to come later

Today the adventure begins. Well, almost...

It has been an amazing month! On August 2nd, Elizabeth and I were married in Sonoma, California. A week later we packed up our apartment, Elizabeth changed her last name to Hynes and we flew to Cape Cod, which would become our East Coast "Boat Search Headquarters." A week later we found a boat we liked in Norfolk, Virginia, and last week we conducted a survey and sea trial on the Chesapeake Bay. And tomorrow the day will arrive where we find ourselves official boat owners! Just what were we thinking?!?!

Our boat (or as Elizabeth likes to call it, "our yacht") is a 2004 model Lagoon 380. It was designed and built in France by Jeanneau Sailboat's Racing Division and sailed across the Atlantic where it was sold in North Carolina to the first owner. Over 500 hulls have been made, making this the most popular and successful catamaran design ever built. And for good reason...

The boat is of solid construction ("safe"), sports a large bridgedeck salon ("large living area") and appears to hold its value well - precisely the three prerequisites we had for the boat. We've posted a picture of the boat model from the Lagoon website above.

We'll explain more about the boat and our decision to purchase a catamaran over a traditional mono-hull later, but now we need to focus on closing the sale, which is set for tomorrow. Ironically, we are buying a boat that will be hit by a tropical storm the very next day (not ideal, but very little we can do about it). Hopefully Hanna will remain a tropical storm of little importance.

If all goes well we will be moving into our "first home" on Monday! Some couples get married and buy a house. We bought a boat... Stay tuned!
Vessel Name: Honeymoon
Vessel Make/Model: 2004 Lagoon 380, Hull 279, Owner's Version
Hailing Port: San Francisco, CA
Crew: Seth & Elizabeth Hynes
Seth & Elizabeth met in 2004 and have long since agreed that they did not want to live "the typical life. [...]
OUR EXPERIENCE: Seth is a lifelong sailor with over 25 years of boating experience. His family taught him to sail via ASA instruction and through many weekend trips on their family boat, a Benateau 35, sailed on Lake St. Clair, Michigan. He then moved to San Francisco where he raced with two [...]
Home Page:

Seth & Elizabeth Hynes

Who: Seth & Elizabeth Hynes
Port: San Francisco, CA