The Hynes Honeymoon!

07 May 2009 | Fakarava Atoll, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia
02 May 2009 | Marquesas Islands
02 May 2009 | Fatu Hiva, Marquesas
01 May 2009 | Ile Pott, New Caledonia
01 May 2009 | Nuka Hiva, Marquesas Islands
28 April 2009 | Fatu Hiva, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia
27 April 2009 | Tahuata Island, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia
26 April 2009 | Galapagos to Marquesas Passage
26 April 2009 | Hiva Oa, Marquesas
25 April 2009 | Hiva Oa, Marquesas
24 April 2009 | Hiva Oa, Marquesas
24 April 2009 | Traitors Bay, Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands
23 April 2009 | Pacific Ocean Crossing
18 April 2009
17 April 2009 | Pacific Ocean Crossing
14 April 2009 | Pacific Ocean Crossing

We're BACK!!!

09 February 2019 | Earth
Seth Hynes
Okay, this is a VERY belated post. But we're back!!!

On September 15th our family of five moved onto a boat, and we left "home" for the last time. We've had quite an adventure so far and we're only getting started.

Since this is the first post in a while I'll keep it short, but I'll give you access to catch up. Here's all you need to know!:

Click here to see our instagram feed. This is the best way to keep up to date with us as we post daily! It's really our new blog, but shorter and more often! The same feed gets posted to Facebook as well.

We are indeed posting to YouTube again! I'll probably not update the links on the right as this is a new chapter, but here are a few links to our latest videos!:
About Us: The Sailing Family
Chapter 2: We're Back!
Episode 2: The Survey
Episode 3: The wait
Episode 4: Archer's 1st Voyage

If you want to track where we are right at this very moment, you can click here to see where we are.

Thank you all for reading, keeping up with us and genuinely caring for us over the years. There have been MANY comments about will we ever cruise with kids, and while we couldn't exactly post that was our intention (for employment reasons), it has ALWAYS been our dream. A dream that is now a reality! It's so exciting we have to pinch ourselves.

Thank you all! Please comment or ask a question. Cheers!

Perfect cruising clothes for women!

30 April 2016

Author: Elizabeth

Vacay, my cruising-inspired clothing line, has launch yet another collection! The Cabo Collection might be our best one yet and Seth created the video above to show how the 5 items mix-and-match to create 14 or more outfits!

Vacay is beautifully designed to travel smart, so it's perfect for cruising women or your upcoming summer vacation! Never check a suitcase again (you'll make your husband proud).

Visit to learn more and thanks for reading!


Vacay Blog: "You're doing what?!"

01 September 2015
Author: Elizabeth Hynes

Our friends didn't really believe us when we said we planned to quit our jobs, get married, rename a sailboat "honeymoon" and attempt to sail it halfway around the world to Australia. It did sound a bit extreme (to say I was in over my head would be putting it lightly), but my husband had been sailing his entire life and I was all for living a life-less-ordinary, so we went for it! Little did I know I would return home 16 months later with a bun in the oven and the idea for what would eventually become

Oh, and did I mention I get seasick? When we first set-off I wasn't even sure I wanted to do the passages. The idea of heading off shore for multiple days (with no way off) was definitely concerning. Over time, I realized that I wanted the personal challenge and the sense of accomplishment that would come with finishing each passage, and before I knew it I was stepping off the boat onto a dock in the BVIs having completed my first 9 day passage.

Sailing, in fact, is a small part of cruising around the world. About 85% of the time we were anchored in a beautiful place just waiting to be snorkeled, hiked, fished or photographed. We spent a few months in the Caribbean, a couple of weeks in the Galapagos, nearly a month in Bora Bora and eventually we finally landed in Australia. Our longest sail was 20 days across the Pacific Ocean - nearly three weeks at sea - without seeing anything man-made with the exception of a tanker ship on night 11. Being literally in the middle of the ocean on a small boat is an amazing thing. We felt insignificant compared to the large scheme of the vast ocean, almost as if we were the last people on Earth.

But it wasn't all easy. My husband became quite proficient repairing our diesel generator, while I learned how to pack for a 16 month trip in one suitcase. I learned the value of versatile, easy, stylish pieces that look amazing and can be dressed up or down. At the time, I did not realize it but I was creating the concept for Vacay.

In the end, my husband and I learned to work hard and appreciate our short time in these beautiful isles. But we also learned a slower pace of life. We read books, we watched the sun rise and set. We explored the world around us. Toward the end of the trip I was ready to return to work, ready to be challenged mentally and ready to have our first baby (we came home 3 month pregnant)!

And as it turns out, it all turned out. Seth and I both got our corporate jobs back; we bought a house and ended up having three little boys in three years! And just four months ago, I launched bringing my vision for an easier way to look fantastic on vacation to life.

For now, we are happy as landlubbers, busy with careers and family, but we dream of circumnavigating again one day with our sons and showing them this amazing, different way of living a life...

A new sailing inspired clothing line launches today!

14 April 2015 | Mill Valley, CA
My incredible, amazing wife launched her fashion line today! Please check out and be sure to read the "About Us" page:

The idea for Vacay came to Elizabeth during our sailing honeymoon. Rather than fly to Bora Bora, we decided to sail there instead! But packing for an 18-month adventure within the confines of a tiny boat closet was not an easy task. It was during this trip that Elizabeth learned how to pull together a collection of items that could create multiple outfits in easy-travel and packable fabrics, and pair with the same shoe color.

When our voyage across the South Pacific was over, Elizabeth found herself working for her former employer as a Merchandising Director at Banana Republic. But the idea for Vacay wouldn't leave her, and last year she decided to leave the comfort of her job to see if she could recreate the concept and share all that she had learned.

The result:

If you like what you see, please CLICK HERE to follow-us on Facebook and share our site with your friends!

Welcome to our blog

05 December 2012
Although the voyage is over, our blog lives on!

About Us:
If you are new to our blog, click here to learn more about us and our 15,500 nautical mile voyage halfway around the world (from Virginia to Sydney via the Panama Canal).

About our Boat:
After much consternation, we chose to live aboard a Lagoon 380 catamaran for 18 months at sea. Click here to read why we chose a cat over a mono-hull, click here to read our users guide to the Lagoon 380 and click here to get a video tour.

Pictures & Video:
Click here to visit our youtube channel where over 1.75 million people have come to see our voyage. Or, you can view them in order by clicking on the links to the right.

Life Updates:
Today we have settled into suburban life in Mill Valley, California. Seth went back to work in the Wine Industry as a Marketing Director for Treasury Wine Estates and Elizabeth re-joined GAP as a Merchandising Director. We now have THREE kids; Hale (2010), Rhys (2011) and Pierce (2013)! We are enjoying the challenges of parenting and have posted a life update video if you are interested in watching home videos (great sell, right?)!

Contact Us:
Our blog continues to receive a large number visitors every week and we welcome emails with questions about cruising. Nothing would make us happier than to hear from you or to share the knowledge we accumulated during this voyage to help bring your cruising dreams to life!

Thank you for visiting our site. Click here to start from the beginning, or read below for our final posting. Enjoy...
Vessel Name: Honeymoon
Vessel Make/Model: 2004 Lagoon 380, Hull 279, Owner's Version
Hailing Port: San Francisco, CA
Crew: Seth & Elizabeth Hynes
Seth & Elizabeth met in 2004 and have long since agreed that they did not want to live "the typical life. [...]
OUR EXPERIENCE: Seth is a lifelong sailor with over 25 years of boating experience. His family taught him to sail via ASA instruction and through many weekend trips on their family boat, a Benateau 35, sailed on Lake St. Clair, Michigan. He then moved to San Francisco where he raced with two [...]
Home Page:

Seth & Elizabeth Hynes

Who: Seth & Elizabeth Hynes
Port: San Francisco, CA