Out of Hibernation
30 August 2010 | Puerto Williams, Chile
I am back on 'Pelagic' after my break in sunny Florida and bringing the boat out of her winter hibernation. Prior to the winter lay-up all of the sails, running rigging, safety equipment, anything that can flap in the wind or be harmed by nature or borrowed by light fingered humans had been taken off and stored below decks. The water systems were all drained, the raw water cooling for the engine drained, etc.. All of that equipment now has to be checked, serviced, refilled, cleaned, and generally put back in its rightful place.
Julie, the second part of 'Pelagic's' new crew for the 2010/11 season will be arriving in Puerto Williams on Friday 3 September, followed by a couple of friends later over the weekend. Next week we plan on sailing west along the Beagle Channel to make a circuit around Isla Gordon. This route is commonly known as 'The glacier circuit'. This will be a fun trip with the aim of seeing how the areas that we know so well from summer visits look in the grip of the winter snows.
I will post this update to Sailblogs via Sailmail, from where it should get automagically posted onto 'Pelagic's' Facebook page. If those of you who have the boat's email address would like to let me know if this has worked I'd be grateful. If you have any feedback on what you'd like to see in a 'Pelagic' blog please let me know by emailing me on the boat or leaving a message on Facebook; which I'll read whenever I have internet access.
Chris SY Pelagic 01 September 2010