20 September 2017
Tuesday morning on our pontoon in Carenantilles
Once again Martinique was kept safe from the horrible impact of a grade 5 Hurricane. Our neighbor island to the north, Dominica was terribly hit and also parts of Guadeloupe, and now people are again suffering in Puerto Rico.
Here in Le Marin we had strong winds and swell and a lot of rain, but little damage. Some yachts were dragging and hit others, but as far as we now, nothing seriously. We woke up yesterday to a lot of rain and thunder. Logs, bushes, coconuts and debris was floating in the water and banging against the hull.
Here in Le Marin people in the community, locals and cruisers are preparing to organize help to those who are suffering in the north, but so far they have not been able to establish contact with Dominica.