Brunswick - Charleston; Plan A - Plan D
22 May 2015 | Minim Island, SC Anchorage

An update for folks on iWinds2's progress if you haven't been following. After our early morning departure from Brunswick Landing Marina on Thurs, Gene and I had a whole day of nothing but beautiful weather and we made great progress, going 150 miles in 24 hours. Clearly, Gene was a good boy this year and the weatherman gave him perfection for his birthday. Plan A was progressing beautifully!
But, the minute May 21 was over, all bets were off. During my mid watch, the wind shifted from a comfortable 10 kts abeam to 20 kts on the nose. By the time Gene took his shift at 0400, the wind beefed up to 30 kts sustained and 4' swells with occasional 6 footers. This was not forecast!! And changed on a dime, too. Luckily we were just off of Charleston but it took us three hours to get in, tacking and surfing down waves. Lots of salt in iWinds2 and in our beards!
So, on to Plan B: let's stay a couple nights in Charleston and take in the city. Been ages since we've been there. What? No slips available over Memorial Day?
Ok, on to Plan C. Let's keep going inside on the ICW and pop out at an inlet further north. Then we can keep our original itinerary. What? 4-6 foot seas, particularly around Cape Fear?
On to Plan D. Let's keep working up the ICW and figure out where we'll bed her down for this leg. Decisions. Decisions. Tonight, though, we're anchored in a beautiful spot off Minim Island in South Carolina.
We're exhausted - it's been a long, nonstop 36 hours. Good night.