01 May 2008 | Randolph, NJ
29 April 2008 | Randolph, NJ
18 March 2008
13 March 2008
01 March 2008 | Morristown
20 February 2008 | Key West, FL
07 February 2008 | Morristown, NJ
21 January 2008 | Morristown, NJ
12 January 2008 | Union City
08 January 2008 | Union City, NJ
29 December 2007
26 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
24 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
22 December 2007
19 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
16 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
10 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
06 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
05 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ

July 4th Cruise - Day 1

30 June 2006 | Georgetown to Chesapeake City
We woke early and started preparing for take off. After filling our fuel tanks we motored out the Sassafras River towards Chesapeake City dodging a vast amount of debris along the way. The amount of debris was due to heavy rain and the resulting flooding during the previous week. Tight maneuvering all through the canal got us docked at slip #D2 at the Chesapeake Inn, Chesapeake City. We had a good day relaxing, taking slow walks around the beautiful town and enjoying the kid's park. The kids and I visited a tiny little toy shop and bought a tiny pirate yellow rubber duckie for Ruth and a dolphin stick for Luke. We made very good use of the showers on the docks of Chesapeake Inn, but by the time we got out the showers the band of the night was all set up and preparing for a rip roaring party at "D0" ( we were just 2 slips away). Now we are not averse to parties normally but with Phil and Ed having to be awake at 1:30 am to head on out again, we realized that we needed to relocate just to get some sleep that night. We anchored out a little way where we happened to still hear the distant drum beats of the party, but were able to doze off. Phil hardly slept at all because there was no wind at all and he wanted to make sure the anchor was holding and not just hanging limp.
Vessel Name: Jabulani
Vessel Make/Model: 30' Custom Gaff Cutter
Hailing Port: Cape Town, South Africa
About: Philip, Sharon, Luke and Ruth are preparing to set off on a circumnavigation of the world.
Extra: The name Jabulani comes from the Zulu word for "Joy" or "Rejoice". We believe "Jabulani" reflects our outlook on life.
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/jabulani/


Port: Cape Town, South Africa