01 May 2008 | Randolph, NJ
29 April 2008 | Randolph, NJ
18 March 2008
13 March 2008
01 March 2008 | Morristown
20 February 2008 | Key West, FL
07 February 2008 | Morristown, NJ
21 January 2008 | Morristown, NJ
12 January 2008 | Union City
08 January 2008 | Union City, NJ
29 December 2007
26 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
24 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
22 December 2007
19 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
16 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
10 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
06 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
05 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ

July 4th Cruise - Day 5

04 July 2006 | Atlantic City
Rose early, at 6 am to make our way over to Trump's Marina fuel jetty, so that we could use the facilities and Brian could charge his phone while waiting for them to open shop and fill us up. When the dock hand came on duty that morning he seemed unnerved to see us already at his dock and we were interrogated as to whether we had docked there all night. Oh my, we would hate to have done Donald Trump in for the night's dockage fee, especially after paying him $120 (outrageous) just the night before!
We set off full of water and fuel and with high expectations.

After sailing 35 miles through the water we had only made 7 miles toward our destination of Cape May at 5.5 knots, so we went into Great Egg Harbor to spend the night, only to find a veritable zoo there, with power boats galore, most of whom seemed to be blissfully unaware of the rules of the sea. About 25 jet skiers began doing laps around our now anchored boat. It felt much like being stuck in the center of a race track. We were rescued from the frenzy by a spectacular thunderstorm which frightened away all fair weather sailors and left us, hardcore guys behind ; ). The rain put a bit of a damper on the night?? s fireworks, but we had caught a great show on the 3rd so we did not feel at all hard done by.
We enjoyed a delicious Italian sausage and pasta dinner.
Vessel Name: Jabulani
Vessel Make/Model: 30' Custom Gaff Cutter
Hailing Port: Cape Town, South Africa
About: Philip, Sharon, Luke and Ruth are preparing to set off on a circumnavigation of the world.
Extra: The name Jabulani comes from the Zulu word for "Joy" or "Rejoice". We believe "Jabulani" reflects our outlook on life.
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/jabulani/


Port: Cape Town, South Africa