01 May 2008 | Randolph, NJ
29 April 2008 | Randolph, NJ
18 March 2008
13 March 2008
01 March 2008 | Morristown
20 February 2008 | Key West, FL
07 February 2008 | Morristown, NJ
21 January 2008 | Morristown, NJ
12 January 2008 | Union City
08 January 2008 | Union City, NJ
29 December 2007
26 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
24 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
22 December 2007
19 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
16 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
10 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
06 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
05 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ

Where on Earth?

08 January 2008 | Union City, NJ
We spend New Years eve with some South African friends from church. Max and Cecelia are enjoying their first winter in the US with their 2 daughters Varenka & Chenika.

We are so ready for the new year. '08 a new beginning of something great!

We stayed in Hackettstown house sitting for our dear friends, Anthony and Jourdana, while they spent time with family in North Carolina.

This week we are in Union City, on the ridge that over looks New York City. You have to experience it for yourself, it is a magnificent view! The picture for this blog was taken from the back door. These wonderful accommodations belong to Jim our boat yard friend, whom we met while preparing Jabulani in the Liberty Harbor Marina. Jim is in Florida for a few weeks, and kindly thought of us, to house sit while he is out.

We are getting lots of emails and questions related to our recent change of course. Please refer to the blog post of 12/06/07 where we explain what's up, and continue writing to us, we look forward to hearing from you.

Vessel Name: Jabulani
Vessel Make/Model: 30' Custom Gaff Cutter
Hailing Port: Cape Town, South Africa
About: Philip, Sharon, Luke and Ruth are preparing to set off on a circumnavigation of the world.
Extra: The name Jabulani comes from the Zulu word for "Joy" or "Rejoice". We believe "Jabulani" reflects our outlook on life.
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/jabulani/


Port: Cape Town, South Africa