We're Off!
21 October 2009 | Two Harbors, Catalina
We finally left the slip just before 1 pm. Made R10 off PV Point in 45 minutes then about an hour later got enough wind to turn off that noisy machine and sail. We had 8-15 knots and made 6.5-7.9 knots in about 2-4 feet of west swell. The wind really shifted from S when we started to W giving us a lovely beam reach (wind at 45 degree angle to the boat for the nonsailors). Gorgeous day, bright and sunny for most, t shirt and fleece w/ capris and tevas weather.
Dinner at the isthmus - I practiced doing my lat/long to decimal degrees conversion to mark our spot on the map - see map!
We plan to leave here no later than 6 a.m. (!) for the 55 mile trip to Oceanside - then a shorter hop to San Diego on Friday.
GREAT Leg 1!