The List, Update 2
29 July 2009 | RB
Work List:
Haulout and surveyor's report - DONE 7/21/09
Update FCC file w/ EPIRB registration info - DONE 7/22/09
Purchase quick dry epoxy (wet/dry/underwater) - DONE 7/26/09
Purchase new flares that are not expired - DONE 7/26/09
Purchase vertical ice cube trays - DONE 7/27/09
Upgrade to SailBlogs Premium for use via SSB email - DONE 7/29/09
Purchase (7/26) & install (8/1) CO monitor - DONE
Quote for new hardtop dodger - 7/30/09 - DONE
Fabrication and Installation New Hardtop Dodger - IN PROCESS
Purchase (7/26) and install (8/2...) saltwater faucet in galley - IN PROCESS
Finish applications for insurance - IN PROCESS
Finalize the south- and north-bound crew lists - IN PROCESS
(These two are linked - the insurance trip rider wants sailing resumes from all the crewmembers...and the most ridiculous amount of detail ever seen on the manufacturers and model numbers of boat equipment)
Begin meal planning - IN PROCESS
Replace lifelines & Rigging Inspection
Fix anchor light / electrical
Re-run spreader halyard for courtesy & other fun flags
Finish de-molding saloon
Decision on dinghy vs. liferaft - DONE, BUT:
Find a place to rent a liferaft
Rig and test asymmetrical spinnaker
Remove or mount 2 fire extinguishers
Purchase new saltwater washdown hose