17 September 2018 | Amanu off Ikitake village
David Nottage
Greetings Not so much happening today. Mark and I went ashore to check out Ikitake this morning. It didn't long as its quite small. 2 blocks in each direction. The town stats next to the entry pass where we watched a guy surfing with a boogie board as we came in the pass yesterday , C plus waves and very shallow on the inside . I might be better with high tide and a bigger swell. The town have one small Magazin (store} and no bakery as best we could tell. There is a small harbor with a few skiffs. It looks like any freghter that comes has to anchor in the logoon and bring stuff ashore in a small shore boat. We planed to move across the lagoon today but a few squalls came threw making visibility bad and then out big anchor chain got under a rock requiring a scuba dive to free it. We moved it to a big sand puka so hopefully we can try moving tomorrow if its sunny. So far we have found Amanu not as great as people told us will have to see tomorrow. It looks like we will be off to The marquesas Wed regardless as long as the wind is east or better yet Southeast. Not sure what Rich Smith tried to send me but we can't get internet out here or attachments on Sailmail so haven't seen it. Special note to Devi Nottage: We have not seen any dogs like stubby back in Raivavae. There are lots of dogs here, seems like a couple in each yard. When we were back in Mangareva there were dozens of little fussy white dogs all over the town. There must have been a huge litter of puppies , maybe more than one?
Cheers , over and out grampa Nottage