Waiting for Clay to come in.
David Nottage
Greetings: After an easy 4 hr sail from Ua -Pou to Nuku Hiva on Friday and two nights in a super nice bay on the suth west end of Nuku Hiva know to the cruising world as Daniels Bay named after the Marquesan fellow that used to welcome cruising boats years back. He is gone, but the bay and anchorage remain. Folks from Taiohai bring tours in now fr a4 hr up and down hike to a waterfall up the valley. I did some dingy trolling around the bay and got a Kaku, blue Bone and a nice 4# papio that was dinner last night.. WE pulled anchor this morning at 0700 and motored one hour up the coast to Taiohae. This is the main town on Nuku Hiva and where we will check out from with the French authorities at the end of the week. We did a little shopping this morning , Mark is checking out town and the rest of us are resting on the boat. Tomorrow Clay Hutchinson arrives to help with the delivery to Hawaii. We will probably move down the coast for a couple of nights to Taipivai, the setting for Herman Melville's Novel Taipee. Then its back to Taiohae and off to the airport to drop off Nancy for the the fight back to Hawaii on Saturday night. David