Spirit of St Simons, 2nd Verse
13 March 2021 | St Marys
Cap'n Chef Andy | beautiful weather
I made 5 quarts of chicken cacciatorre in my 6 quart stock pot. I used a recipe I have used many times before, it is simple and practically foolproof. I put about 1/3 cup of olive oil in the stock pot and when it heats up add 12 skinned and boned chicken thighs, letting them brown a bit while I prep a bunch of onions, 3-6. I halve and peel the onions, then cut the halves into eighths and throw them in the pot. I had some extra celery, sliced that and added to the pot. Next about a quarter cup of minced garlic, 24 oz of mushrooms, halved. Two tablespoons of Montreal Chicken seasoning. 1 jar of marinara sauce, then half fill the jar with dry red wine to rinse out the remainder of sauce. Mix the concoction as it cooks to keep stuff from burning at the bottom. A square ended spatula works well. Cook for about an hour, then remove the solids with a slotted spoon and set aside, continue reducing the sauce until it thickens, maybe reduce by half. While that is going on, tong the chicken thighs onto a cutting board and cut into bite sized pieces. Return all to the pot and take off the heat. The eaters swarmed over the stew pot and afterwards there was just about 1 helping of leftovers. Tastes better the next day.
A catamaran came in a few days ago, Spirit of St. Simons, a Kurt Hughes design. The 36 foot cat is designed for day charter and not equipped for cruising or racing. The owner/builder says he’s had it up to 8 knots but it looks like it would probably go a lot faster. It is in the yard to be Coast Guard inspected for its charter qualification. I remarked that he had found a way to make money sailing and he replied he hadn’t broken even yet.
My sore hip was slowly responding to the very smart treatment of lazing around and taking ibuprofen and burgundy. Oddly, I can ride the bicycle around with no pain and afterwards remain pain free for a while. Standing around or walking is painful. I’m hoping this will abate further with continued treatment.
The next day I felt well enough to have Pizza Night. I was tempting the Fates, standing around, prepping toppings, and making pies might ruin the progress I had made with my hip. I tried to stay off my feet as much as possible and Pizza Night was a huge success. 3 slices left over.
The next day I went in to the Coastal Georgia Health Care Center to get my 2nd covid vaccine. All went well and I decided to take it easy as I have heard that the 2nd shot causes more of a reaction than the first. I began to feel woozy. I still rode the bike when standing or sitting was painful. I didn’t feel well. I usually watch some TV in the evening but I didn’t feel well enough. I had chills and felt feverish. The lower back and hip pain were now increasing. Instead of taking ibuprofen I was talked into taking acetaminophen, bad choice. I had phone calls and text messages which annoyed me. My younger daughter had crocheted a replica of Nori the Wonder Dog and it was sent to Cornelia Marie at the house in Crisfield. It was delivered, but CM was only arriving there the next day.
I had a restless night. I didn’t need covers, I felt hot. There was no painless position and I didn’t fall asleep until I was very fatigued. I had a strange dream. I play a lot of puzzles and that was my dream, the cards of Freecell, the numbers of Sudoku, the words of Crossword, all plastered on a large grid and in my dream I tried to solve the problem. Very restless sleep.
The next day was Robert of the trimaran Ascension coming to help me sand off Kaimu’s bottom. There was no way I could work on it in my condition. I was now convinced the vaccine causes autoimmune reactions, so any condition you have might flare up. The reaction to the first shot abated after about 2 weeks, this one was worse.
Robert himself wasn’t feeling well, so we put it off for the next day. I got a text from CM about her replica doggie. She said it was cute.
At night I had a strange dream again, this time it was CM and I visiting a Slavic homestead, muddy with dogs and small children. There were two men, maybe brothers or brothers-in-law, talking distinctly in a strange language to me and emphasizing what was said as if I would then understand it. CM was talking to the mothers, girl talk. I was feeling upset in the mud and wishing to get away. Nothing was happening, I was captive. Doesn’t she know I am in distress, how can she prolong this, I became angry.
I normally don’t remember my dreams but now I had vivid dreams, very odd dreams, two nights in a row, and I remembered them.
When I awoke I thought I was feeling better, and I was, but throughout the day I deteriorated. I would sit down, feel restless and want to do something, get up and walk a few paces, then retreat to sit again. Robert worked throughout the day and I was very happy with progress being made.
Things kind of shut down midafternoon. Robert was ready to call it a day and so was I.
The image is of the day charter catamaran, Spirit of St. Simons, in the slings.