02 April 2021 | St Marys
Cap'n Chef Andy | Attempting Spring
We had some rain or rain threats, but afterwards I decided to paint the bottom of the stbd hull. I was feeling much better from the back and hip pain. Having the experience of painting the port hull bottom prepared me well for the stbd hull. I taped off the boot stripe and began painting on the South side, the outboard side of the hull. My reasoning was that working in the direct sunlight on a day that was forecast to hit at least 85 would best be done by getting it over with, then finish up in the shade on the inboard side.
First a quick blasting with the orbital sander roughed up a small patch on the underside of the aft keel, then a small amount of epoxy paste was daubed on it to act as a primer for the bottom paint. Then I began with the large bucket full of paint which had been mixed with bottom paint booster.
The work along the hot sun blasted hull side went along as well as I could manage. I knew I might run out of stamina in the heat and glare of the sun. I made it about ¾ of the way, then had to have some water, then had another pause a little further when the paint roller started to fall apart. I took another break and got a fresh roller skin. When I was almost at the rudder I got the paint can which still had some paint in it and took a 2” brush to paint the hinges and any spot that the roller couldn’t reach. Then I rolled on. Soon I was around the corner, around the end of the rudder, into the shade. The paint was getting pasty due to the heat and being in a large open container. I began painting in smaller swaths. When I was finished I put all the leftover paint in one can. It looked like I had 3 quarts. Maybe a quart of thinner to reconstitute and I would have a gallon.
My younger sister called from California, we compared our virus vaccine accounts. Somehow we ended up talking about electrical generators. Her company uses a unit made by Theron and it looks like it generates electricity out of thin air, no fuel, no solar, no source of power. That can’t be. Then I started my research and ran into a sham video demonstration of Tesla’s Quantum Energy Generator. The general outline of how something like this would work is you have a special motor powering a special generator with special interfaces and controls. An initial powering up of the motor starts the generator and it is brought up to resonant frequency, then the power can be disconnected and the whole thing can run on its own, even generating substantial power. Not.
The fact that they are using these generators means they are functioning, not quantum pipe dreams. But they can’t do what the Tesla adherents say, they can’t grasp energy out of the ether, out of nothing. Quantum is a term that is now being stolen for almost any sort of new sounding scam. There is even a Quantum marine paint. Quantum works on the tiniest level, particles, and does not work well at our normal levels, such as electrical generators. I ended up looking at the wikipedia site on zero point energy. Whoa. Just go there and look at the references at the end of the site.
What I could gather is that there is one view of zero point energy that says there is a lot of energy there. It is the energy of the fact that space and matter are indeterminate so there can never be zero energy. This is a quantum mechanics principle, why can’t we have zero energy, the answer is the Heisenberg hypothesis. Nothing ever can be directly measured in opposing values, measuring one value will distort the other. The math, which is in part displayed at the wikipedia zero point energy page, covers a lot of ground. The amount of actual energy in a latent space is disputed. Some say it is vast. We are in the realm of undiscovered physics here, but there are many bright minds grinding this stuff out.
Probably the most brilliant mind that I know is mine and I suspect my sister is hitting me with the ultimate April Fool’s Joke. I would laugh if I could. What if this device, which she says has been providing power for two years, really exists, then I would feel like a luddite farmer with a rake accosting an early aviator. But I am not fooled. Even viewing many YouTube stunts.
In the link I sent my sister, authored by an erudite physicist, was the phrase, if perpetual motion can exist, then the universe as we know it can not exist.
The image is of a perpetual motion scheme, the cup has a thin spout that would capilarily liquid up and then it would go around and down and return to the bowl of the cup. Basically all the forces that we know of would balance out and nothing would happen.