
s/v Kaimu Wharram Catamaran

Vessel Name: Kaimu
Vessel Make/Model: Wharram Custom
Hailing Port: Norwalk, CT
Crew: Andy and the Kaimu Crew
About: Sailors in the Baltimore, Annapolis, DC area.
04 February 2025 | St. Marys, GA
22 January 2025 | St. Marys, GA
15 January 2025 | St. Marys, GA
06 January 2025 | St. Marys, GA
24 December 2024 | St. Marys, GA
16 December 2024 | St. Marys, GA
02 December 2024 | St. Marys, GA
17 November 2024 | St. Marys, GA
31 October 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
10 October 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
03 October 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
24 September 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
13 September 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
09 September 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
04 September 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
28 August 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
21 August 2024 | Belmar Beach, NJ
11 August 2024 | Somers Cove, Crisfield, MD
24 July 2024 | Somers Cove Marina, Crisfield, MD
08 July 2024 | Somers Cove Marina, Crisfield, MD
Recent Blog Posts
04 February 2025 | St. Marys, GA

Bisque with a Twist

The cold spell, arctic outburst, polar vortex, whatever, left me with pork chops and other ingredients for another batch of bean soup. After surviving potential ice skating on the swimming ladder and interminable snow melt dripping on me in my moldy freezing bunk, it was time to cautiously figure out [...]

22 January 2025 | St. Marys, GA

Snow Daze

I picked up a couple closet poles at Loews. These are the mast and sprit for the dinghy sail rig. Hardwood, probably oak. 1 3/8” diameter, 8 feet long. The plan from Maartens calls for 2” diameter spruce, but that is for an unstayed mast. I will be staying the mast on both the D4 dinghy here [...]

15 January 2025 | St. Marys, GA

Bean Soup I

If I am not taking pictures or writing it could be that I am depressed, but also there is a cycle in creativity, unless you are a manic artist. It seems sometimes that the extremists are the ones who get anything done. You have to play life like a hockey game, give it your all, then take a restful [...]

06 January 2025 | St. Marys, GA

Wishing for Sumner

The trouble with the pork chops is that they constituted a new form of substance, very good if you want to go on a diet without pork chops. Not so good for me. I don’t know how these things became tempered like steel, the spanish rice with them should have dissolved some of that iron.

24 December 2024 | St. Marys, GA

Shrimp Poke Bowl

I enjoyed the last of the stuffed cabbage. The fridge was now bare of leftovers except for bean soup which was in the little freezer. I decided to make a clam florentine soup derived from a shrimp recipe.

16 December 2024 | St. Marys, GA

Storm and Stuffed Cabbage

Not my clowns, not my circus. That is an amusing phrase, especially now. RFK jr in charge of health. The clowns come in, send in the clowns. It seems to be a recurring theme. If you put clowns in charge of government agencies, then you can take them down. I rant, but government is not a single [...]

Red and Bleu

17 November 2024 | St. Marys, GA
Cap'n Chef Andy | Chilly AM, Warm PM
The 11 hour drive to St. Marys was punctuated by a couple of traffic jams, the last one occurring right at the exit for Laurel Island Parkway just North of Kingsland where the big submarine base is located. I chose to exit there and avoid the jam, although I would be on local roads for the last few miles to the boatyard. As I came to the end of the exit ramp I could see traffic was free if I just rolled down the on ramp continuing South. Oh well, I was sort of committed to continuing on the Parkway.
This route goes by the old airport and has some nasty curves and I took one wide. A St. Marys policeman stopped me and gave me a ticket for not staying in my proper lane. 700 miles without incident otherwise.
I was rushing to get to the catamaran before it got dark. I pulled in and climbed aboard to see the interior. I was concerned about rainwater accumulation. There was some and a musty odor of dampness. Nothing drastic. I went shopping for breakfast supplies.
We had a lot of rain over the week and I felt down, but so many other people have it bad. I hate them when they say, “Oh, that’s not so bad”, when I vent about things. Just let people vent, common courtesy. No matter how bad I feel, there is always something far worse, but I’d like things to be better anyway.
I was invited to dinner at the phd chemists, Geoff and Karen, how do I want my tuna cooked they asked. They don’t go in for raw ahi. There are ways to prevent and eliminate parasites in your tuna. They just cook it. The cooking time was expertly varied by Geoff but the tuna was from the local Winn-Dixie. The perfectly cooked tuna steak was eagerly consumed, but I had to say to him, this is a young tuna. Earlier I had commented on the wine at the Point.
The Point, or Pirate’s Point, is what I refer to when I say “the gas station restaurant”. As soon as I walked in the bartender asked if I wanted my Malbec. I was stunned. I hadn’t been in there for a couple of years. I was trying to remember when I had Malbec there. When she saw me she could have thought, red wine, what do we got, and as a person running a restaurant, what do we want to get rid of… Malbec.
The wine was terrible, but not unusually so at this place, and I spoke with Geoff about it. Wait Staff, restaurant operator, came over. I said the malbec tasted rather vinegary. She astutely asked if she should open a new bottle. Yes. She poured into a large glass some of the new wine and then offered it to me. This seemed strange, I expected to take a whiff of the cork or bottle and then get a little taste. The taste from the large glass was like stepping into a garden or fruit orchard. No wonder I drank this wine before.
The owner kinda shrugged me off when I mentioned tasting some of his older wines that have sat in the bottle. Maybe he should have drank the rest of that bad bottle.
I hadn’t been in that place for about 2 years. They wouldn’t let Eloisa’s black American cocker spaniel, Bleu, in back then.
I returned a week later and had another southwest burger and pinot noir. It was a change from my fare of strange canned salmon efforts. I sat at the bar with Geoff and Karen who would cook something at home, but Geoff, the cook, was wondering what to cook. I don’t think it will be salmon.
I did make a batch of borscht using sausage. I want to do it again with kielbasa.
I had a couple projects that were somewhat unpleasant but very necessary. The overhead in my bunk had growth of mold and when I retrieved a sponge mop to deal with it, from the port hull, I saw that the port hull had water up to the floorboards.
I set up a portable electric bilge pump to pump out the water and started cleaning the mold off the overhead. The best treatment is Awesome cleaner from the dollar store. Spray it on, undiluted, work the surface with a soft brush, like a paint brush, then sponge it off.
The image is of cirrus clouds, slightly photoshopped.

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