Kalika to the Sea

Vessel Name: Kalika
Vessel Make/Model: Tanzer 7.5
Hailing Port: Elephant Butte, New Mexico
19 April 2013 | New Mexico
Recent Blog Posts
19 April 2013 | New Mexico

The Journey Begins

Well, the journey has begun from Elephant Butte, NM toward the Sea of Cortez, albeit slowly. Kalika, newly named as she heads for a new life in larger waters, now sits in my yard, awaiting repairs, maintenance and provisioning for the journey to the Sea in June. Enthusiasm and excitement are high! A [...]

The Journey Begins

19 April 2013 | New Mexico
Jan/Sunny/55 degrees
Well, the journey has begun from Elephant Butte, NM toward the Sea of Cortez, albeit slowly. Kalika, newly named as she heads for a new life in larger waters, now sits in my yard, awaiting repairs, maintenance and provisioning for the journey to the Sea in June. Enthusiasm and excitement are high! A new actuator for the surge brakes, some tire upgrading, and motor repairs/maintenance have been the commencement activities for the adventure ahead. Kalika was recently hauled from Elephant Butte Lake with only some minor difficulties due to low water levels at the ramp and a faulty valve stem in one tire, which chose to give out on the ramp. Terry and Allen to the rescue, and the tire was changed out at the top of the ramp, later repaired, and she tracked like a jewel behind Allen's truck as we towed her to Silver City during a typically gusty spring day in New Mexico.

I am gradually removing EVERYTHING from the boat to prepare to clean her stem to stern and replace only what is needed for the journey. My family room has taken on the look of a covered boat yard/storage shed and will remain that way for quite some time.

The cruising guides and boat catalogs have worn edges already as I search for info on the choicest spots to anchor, hurricane holes, and all the gear which needs upgrading. Tickets are booked for a trip to visit family in Oregon as soon as school dismisses for the summer. I'll come home for a three day turnaround and then head for the Sea. I am wondering how I am going to finish all the year end requirements at work, ready a yard/garden for a summer of fending for itself via drip irrigation, as well as prepare the boat for the trip, over the next five weeks, but I know with some long days and the enthusiasm of the trip ahead, it will all get done! I'm delighted to have Seth's company again as he has moved back to finish college, and his timing is perfect. He will 'hold down the fort' while I am gone. Thanks Seth!

A bit of humor... I went to to the side yard to haul some things from the trailered boat a few days ago on a very windy day and thought, as I climbed up the ladder, "I'll bet this ladder blows over!" Well, it did and there I sat way up in the cockpit of my boat grinning, knowing that with some real leg stretching I could climb down over the bow to the trailer, if need be. Cell phone to the rescue, however, and I called my son, who was inside the house, to come retrieve the ladder. He apparently was on Skype with a friend and had to put said friend on hold after telling him he had to rescue his mom from a sailboat... on dry land... in New Mexico! And so the adventure begins! Lovin' it already!

Lying Trailered, New Mexico
April 19, 2013


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