s/v Karma

Karma in Motion

Who: Clint, Reina & Duke
Port: West Palm Beach, FL

Where are we?

Your destiny, is a result of your actions. Live by a code of conduct that will secure supreme hapiness and worldy joys; which are usually the little things.
22 February 2018
13 June 2016 | Puerto Natlaes
12 November 2015 | Southern Patagonia, Chile 50 39.60S:74 33.12W
02 November 2015 | Golfo de Penas, Patagonia, Chile
17 October 2015 | Laguna San Rafael, Patagonia, Chile
13 October 2015 | Laguna San Rafael, Patagonia, Chile
01 October 2015 | Caleta Poza de Oro, Patagonia, Chile
20 September 2015 | Los Altos, Paraguay
06 September 2015 | Chiloe
04 September 2015 | Puerto Montt, Chile


01 August 2014 | US Trip
Sitting in Bahia we were starting to feel a bit homesick. Clint had not seen his mom and dad since they visited us in Grenada, it had been too long. We decided we would go home while the boat was in the yard and they were working on our interior varnish.

We chose to fly to Michigan first and then on to Dallas to visit my family before flying back to Ecuador. The timing was perfect; Courtney was going to be in Michigan with Ian visiting her grandparents AND we happened to be flying in the same weekend as Manchester United Real Madrid game sponsored by GM.

The original plan was to surprise everyone which was not going to be an easy feat. Unfortunately we had to tell Courtney because her plans were starting to become uncertain and we did not want to miss out on seeing her. I told my mom because I have a big mouth and was too excited that I could not keep the secret. We were able to surprise Clint's parent though.


We flew into Detroit and were greeted at the airport by Tom who surprised us with the new Manchester United Jerseys with the Chevy logo on the front and Burnett on the back. The Manchester United, Real Madrid game was the big announcement of Chevrolet's sponsorship of Manchester United and the unveiling of their new jersey. The game was at The Big House in Ann Arbor. The stadium sold out in one hour; there were over 110,000 people at the game.

We had an awesome weekend. It was a truly unique experience, thank you Tom!

Courtney surprised us at Tom's house the day we flew in and spent the following day with us in downtown Detroit sightseeing and attending a GM press event with the Manchester Untied players.

I wish.....it's a little too big for the boat.

After our weekend in Ann Arbor we headed up to the cottage in Charlevoix and for the big Mommy surprise.

We proudly flew the Navy flag and our courtesy flags from the countries we have visited. We look forwarded to adding more the next time we visit.

We spent two glorious weeks on Holy Island. Courtney was with us for the first week. It was spent on the water, skiing and tubing, just typical summer days on Lake Charlevoix.

Unknowingly our last weekend overlapped with the Sawyers annual visit. It was great to see them and catch up.

We flew from Michigan to Dallas to see my family. We spent three weeks with them relaxing, eating, and shopping. We did not take many pictures but we did have a great time. My brother got married in December and we were not able to attend. We were able to participate in a shower that my mom had for them while were home and we actually got some pictures...

It was great to spend time with our families, it is definitely the one thing we miss the most. We love you all and can't wait to do it again, soon!
Vessel Name: Karma
Vessel Make/Model: Sunward 48'
Hailing Port: West Palm Beach, FL
Crew: Clint, Reina & Duke
About: We've been working towards this for almost 10 years. It has been a dream with many challenges, all of which have made it more worth while. We are so grateful and excited to start this next chapter!
Extra: Twenty years fom now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things that you did do. So sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, EXPLORE, DREAM, DISCOVER. -Mark Twain
Karma's Photos - Main
1 Photo
Created 14 October 2019
12 Photos
Created 17 January 2019
100 Photos
Created 11 March 2018
70 Photos
Created 22 February 2018
24 Photos
Created 1 August 2016
Tom Comes to Visit Christmas 2015
57 Photos
Created 10 June 2016
Land adventures with our camper.
1 Photo | 1 Sub-Album
Created 20 September 2015
4 Photos
Created 1 September 2015
Tom & Susan visit in March Kurt & Kelci visit in May
92 Photos
Created 1 July 2015
21 Photos
Created 1 July 2015
12 Photos
Created 1 July 2015
57 Photos
Created 1 July 2015
20 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 1 July 2015
Galapagos to Chile
7 Photos
Created 1 May 2015
Isla Isabela
No Photos
Created 13 April 2015
Isla Isabela
No Photos
Created 13 April 2015
93 Photos
Created 5 January 2015
27 Photos
Created 5 January 2015
Bahia de Caraquez to La Libertad, Ecuador
23 Photos
Created 29 November 2014
116 Photos
Created 25 October 2014
30 Photos
Created 15 June 2014
39 Photos
Created 15 June 2014
13 Photos
Created 14 June 2014
22 Photos
Created 11 June 2014
26 Photos
Created 15 May 2014
San Rafael, Ecuador
17 Photos
Created 13 May 2014
11 Photos
Created 12 May 2014
40 Photos
Created 11 May 2014
6 Photos
Created 2 April 2014
21 Photos
Created 22 March 2014
17 Photos
Created 15 March 2014
Leaving the Caribbean behind and entering the Pacific
42 Photos
Created 19 February 2014
12 Photos
Created 19 February 2014
19 Photos
Created 6 January 2014
80 Photos
Created 30 September 2013
53 Photos
Created 2 August 2013
56 Photos
Created 25 July 2013
5 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 9 July 2013
46 Photos
Created 9 May 2013
4 Photos
Created 21 March 2013
13 Photos
Created 20 January 2013
20 Photos
Created 4 September 2012
3 Photos
Created 3 August 2012
15 Photos
Created 2 August 2012
7 Photos
Created 23 July 2012
7 Photos
Created 23 July 2012
11 Photos
Created 20 July 2012
20 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
This is a marine park and home to many turtles
15 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
Dad gets to ride with my girl from Hawaii to SanDiego, via US NAVY
67 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
Visiting family, hitching a ride with the US NAVY, Carl joins the conspiracy
21 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
From Vieques PR to Union Island St Vincent & the Grenadines
7 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
Our home for the last month.
7 Photos
Created 7 May 2012
4 Photos
Created 7 May 2012
Old San Jaun, Bacardi Distillery & more
29 Photos
Created 7 May 2012
12 Photos
Created 24 April 2012
Touring the DR with Tony
12 Photos
Created 24 April 2012
Some lost photos
8 Photos
Created 31 March 2012
13 Photos
Created 31 March 2012
16 Photos
Created 31 March 2012
Puerto Plata to Ocean World
8 Photos
Created 31 March 2012
17 Photos
Created 31 March 2012
7 Photos
Created 31 March 2012
4 Photos
Created 30 March 2012
Ile a Vache
58 Photos
Created 12 March 2012
9 Photos
Created 27 February 2012
ClarenceTown to Salt Pond
10 Photos
Created 27 February 2012
16 Photos
Created 11 February 2012
23 Photos
Created 11 February 2012
38 Photos
Created 30 January 2012
What we've been up to in G'Town
5 Photos
Created 17 January 2012
In and around Staniel Cay
10 Photos
Created 8 January 2012
Christmas & New Years 2011
67 Photos
Created 1 January 2012
Allens Cay to George Town
40 Photos
Created 10 December 2011
Heading to Miami
5 Photos
Created 14 November 2011
Leaving Sunset Bay Marina & on to the Bahamas
8 Photos
Created 12 November 2011
Getting ready for the big day! We moved Karma from her home of two years (WPB mooring) to Sunset Bay Marina in Stuart. Packed up the rest of our "crap", the stuff not coming with us & took it to Texas. After a nice visit with Reina's parents it was back to Stuart to get down & dirty & get Karma ready...
9 Photos
Created 9 November 2011

Karma in Motion

Who: Clint, Reina & Duke
Port: West Palm Beach, FL

Where are we?

Your destiny, is a result of your actions. Live by a code of conduct that will secure supreme hapiness and worldy joys; which are usually the little things.