26 September 2013 | Rio Dulce, Guatemala
25 September 2013 | Rio Dulce, Guatemala
04 September 2013 | Carberry, Manitoba - Or Cranberry?
04 September 2013 | Swift Current, Sask
03 September 2013 | Kakabeka Falls, outside of Thunder Bay, Ont.
03 September 2013 | Thunder Bay to Manitoba
02 September 2013 | Spanish River, Ontario
22 August 2013 | Dartmouth, N.S.
30 July 2013 | Saint John River, New Brunswick
24 July 2013 | Reversing Falls
23 July 2013 | Digby to Saint John
22 July 2013 | Yarmouth to Digby
21 July 2013 | Lockeport to Yarmouth
20 July 2013 | Port Mouton to Lockeport
19 July 2013 | Lunenburg to Port Mouton
18 July 2013 | Halifax - Lunenburg
17 July 2013 | Dartmouth, N.S.
26 June 2013 | Dartmouth, N.S.
25 March 2013 | Portland, Oregon
Salty dreams...
21 October 2014 | Alberta, Canada
overcast and warm
I've got a case of salty dreams and wanderlust. I can hardly wait til we cut the dock lines and chase adventure on the sea! @ back to Karma soon !:)
Autumn Update
10 October 2014 | Alberta, Canada
James/Dody Sunny Indian summer day
It is Indian Summer, and we are in the process of closing up our home in the beautiful mountainous and plan for our annual migratory trek to be on S/V Karma. It's been an adventurous Summer vagabonding around, tending to the Orchard, visiting family and friends out East and enjoying the east coast. You can catch a ray of our journey as we prepare to travel down the Cali Seaboard to be back in Guatemala! let the journey begin! ~~
journey forward
10 March 2014 | lago Isabel on Karma 1
hazy humid day
beautiful life...
In August 2013 We set out from Nova Scotia Canada and marked the beginning of a truly extraordinary journey. The past year has been full of adventure, joy, love, growth, passion and excitement for both the present and the future. When I think of the countless blessings that have unfolded before us. We are overwhelmed by gratitude. I am on the edge of my seat, anticipating all that the next year has to offer; the people to meet, the places to be explored, the lessons to be learned and the love that will envelop all of it!
To each and every person that has shared this journey, we offer all of our thanks and heart felt gratitude.
And...thank you lake Izabal for a wonderful time on the river!
18 February 2014 | RAM Marina
James/Really rainy
As I write this, the boat is bobbing with the familiar roll of being in the water.
Yes, you read correctly. We have finally achieved Splash!
It was another day of teasing yesterday, where we thought we would get the lift around 3:00 pm. I made lines ready, got the deck sorted (kinda), and put the bumpers in place. Dody got inspired and painted a whale on the side of the hull in chalk.
And the guys from the yard came over after their lunch and said that they needed to do "una mas antifouling" (one more coat of antifouling).
But this morning was a different story. They had the lift started and fueled even before 8:00 am, and were dropping AMAZING GRACE in the water before 9:00. And were onto us before we knew it.
All went well with the lift. The guys gently slid KARMA 1 into the water, and held her there while I checked the ships systems quickly. There were no leaks (none discovered as of yet.) and so we moved to the side dock.
I started the engine, but will need to grab a new starter battery as it looks like the existing one no longer has the juice. It's expected, so once it stops raining, I'll grab a new one.
It is nice to feel the gentle sway of the boat being in the water.
OMG! Naranja!!!!
15 February 2014 | RAM Marina
James/Sunny with clouds
They painted the boot stripe!
Wow, it's actually looking like we might get out of this boatyard. It's been a long 6 weeks since we came back from Mexico, expecting that the boat would be ready when we returned, then hearing 10 days, then another 10 days, then a more realistic 20 days (that will have turned into 30 by the time we launch).
It's not completely the boatyards fault; to be fair to them, the weather has been terrible this year for fibreglass and paint work. High humidity, afternoon storms, and rain on the horizon most days doesn't allow for jobs to be completed.
The boot stripe has taken almost a week. 4 days of preparation for what took the guys with the paint gun about 20 minutes to do.
It was exciting to watch the final coat go on.
Tomorrow we launch?
Strange tropical fruit make me happy!
11 February 2014 | Rio dulce, Guatemala
Dody / blue sky 81 degrees
There is no end to exotic fruit in tropical Guatemala. From one day to the next the selection changes. The nice thing about Guatemala is that Each time I go to town I'm surprised by something new! The other nice thing is that it's so cheap! Although they have fruit you'll recognize such as mango, pineapple, banana, papaya etc you'll see a whole variety of exotic fruit you've never seen before - today it i discovered my favorite vendors had bags of this strange looking fruit that look like a cross between a apple and a pair they tell me it's an apple, I google it and find it is a better known as rosé apples, wax Jambu or bell fruit.
These fruits are another fruit altogether that grow in the tropics here The best way for me to describe them is egg shaped about 1-2 inches wide with smooth,thin waxy skin with 1-2 seeds at the base The white flesh inside is crisp, faintly sweet and fragrant which I love! It reminds me of rose water, but a taste rather than a smell! Anything with a fragrant /taste quickly becomes something I devour!I can hardly wait and see what will be available later this week when we venture back across the river to Fronteras!