Katannah's Return Trip

17 October 2007
13 August 2007
25 July 2007
27 June 2007 | June 29th through July 3rd:
26 June 2007 | June 26th through June 29th:
22 June 2007 | June 24 through 25
15 June 2007 | June 15th to June 18th:
10 June 2007 | June 10th to June 14th:
09 June 2007 | June 8th to June 9th:
06 June 2007 | May 31st through June 7th:
30 May 2007 | May 22nd through May 30th
21 May 2007 | May 16th through May 21st:
17 May 2007 | The Georgia/NC Coasts
15 May 2007 | May 10th through May 15th:
09 May 2007 | May 2nd through May 9th:
27 April 2007 | April 27th through April 29th:
25 April 2007


25 April 2007
Back to the West End, Old Bahama Bay entry as posted on web.mac.com/katannah1...

The first paragraph (covered up accidentally by a picture) read:

Days 245 to 258:

Well,here we sit for twelve days waiting for strong NW/NE winds to die down. The Gulf Stream is anywhere from between seven and seventeen feet!

Oh, and did we mention, that the jerk who took off in the dark into wind and big seas was on a charter boat named "Lost Sailor". Woops....
Vessel Name: Katannah
Vessel Make/Model: Allied XL-42
Hailing Port: Marblehead, MA
Crew: Captain, Steve Haesche; Crew, Linda Haesche (aka The First And ONLY Mate)
Extra: Okay, folks, this is our latest blog of our adventures. Lots of great pix...We're working our way North. Will be caught up on this Blog eventually! The Gypsies aboard Katannah

Who: Captain, Steve Haesche; Crew, Linda Haesche (aka The First And ONLY Mate)
Port: Marblehead, MA