Katannah's Return Trip

17 October 2007
13 August 2007
25 July 2007
27 June 2007 | June 29th through July 3rd:
26 June 2007 | June 26th through June 29th:
22 June 2007 | June 24 through 25
15 June 2007 | June 15th to June 18th:
10 June 2007 | June 10th to June 14th:
09 June 2007 | June 8th to June 9th:
06 June 2007 | May 31st through June 7th:
30 May 2007 | May 22nd through May 30th
21 May 2007 | May 16th through May 21st:
17 May 2007 | The Georgia/NC Coasts
15 May 2007 | May 10th through May 15th:
09 May 2007 | May 2nd through May 9th:
27 April 2007 | April 27th through April 29th:
25 April 2007

The Gypsies Go South Again

17 October 2007
Hi All,

I know, this is a sail blog, so we rightfully should not be on it at all. But here we go again, and all of your addresses are here!

Well, while we would DEARLY like to be aboard Katannah heading down the eastern coast again, the boat has gone to Maine for some work over this winter, and we are--as is promised--in our rented Cruise America RV!

The kids are appalled, and until the end of the first three days, so were we. Here goes....

Wed., October 17: After a huge photo finish leaving the house (we had the house painted, and the painters lost a week to rainy weather and were finishing up and reinstalling shutters the very AM that we were leaving), we left Clifton Avenue in mid-afternoon and shot our way towards the Cape and Middleboro to pick up our "rig".

Got checked out on "the campa", dropped off our rental car and headed to Chris and CC Cunningham's for the night. We had a wonderful evening with these good friends who we had last seen aboard our respective boats in Marion in July.

Thursday, October 18: We have showers and breakfast chez Cunningham and then head out for Sag harbor, LI, NY by noon. Steve has a nice drive to the New London ferry
where we cross to Orient Point and then over to Shelter Island and on to Sag Harbor to my college friend and husbnd's home on Noyack Bay. We have a great dinner with the Birchbys and turn in in their driveway, ready to leave for points south the next morning.

For all pictures go to the gallery and scroll all the way down to the end (page 17), click on that and that should hopefully bring you to the pix of this latest adventure.
Vessel Name: Katannah
Vessel Make/Model: Allied XL-42
Hailing Port: Marblehead, MA
Crew: Captain, Steve Haesche; Crew, Linda Haesche (aka The First And ONLY Mate)
Extra: Okay, folks, this is our latest blog of our adventures. Lots of great pix...We're working our way North. Will be caught up on this Blog eventually! The Gypsies aboard Katannah

Who: Captain, Steve Haesche; Crew, Linda Haesche (aka The First And ONLY Mate)
Port: Marblehead, MA