Adventure on the Katie G

13 November 2019 | At sea
01 June 2019
31 March 2019
31 March 2019 | Annemonet Island, Majuro Atoll, RMI
26 October 2018 | Ebeye, Kwajalein Atoll, RMI
18 February 2018 | Majuro, Marshall Islands
10 December 2017 | Majuro , MArshall Islands
12 October 2017
19 September 2017
08 August 2017
09 July 2017
29 June 2017
28 June 2017
20 June 2017
03 June 2017
25 May 2017
25 May 2017
25 May 2017 | 40 NM from Hiva Oa, Marquesas French Polynesia
24 May 2017


31 March 2019
Karen Thomas
Hello All of You,

It has been a long time since I have done a Katie G update. So much and so little has happened. One of life’s many mysteries.

It is similar to how the years go by, so quickly. One blinks and all of a sudden you are in the final year of an adventure that has consumed your time and energy for more than 15 years. Dreams were cultivated, brought to fruition and celebrated. The work was more than I could ever have imagined. Being the lazy person I am, I know for a fact, that if I had bought into this dream with the knowledge I now possess, I never would have signed on.

It seems so obvious now, that most achievements in life are quite similar. As the difficulties arise, the challenges are coped with. I can say, that sailing as a cruising lifestyle has brought the concept of team work to a level unmatched in anything except parenting ( the ultimate challenge- to find common ground that supports a being for whom you have created and/or accepted the responsibility). The joys of parenting are unmatched.

The trials of sailing and the rewards we have reaped are many. I have been at times a reluctant participator.

My out has always been secured, supported and understood by my amazing partner, Chuck Gauthier. His acceptance of me and my rights to my individuality have been a challenge for him at times and vice versa. What can one say, except that love is so complicated. His common sense, logic, ability to learn and I mean really learn has taken us safely through so much. His ability to devise workable solutions in the face of what seem insurmountable circumstances, guide me to be able to help him (not always with the calm I would prefer, but hey, when the shit hits the fan, you communicate the way you know the job will get done).

He is the Captain of this boat, without a doubt. I may give input but we both know his knowledge is much greater. I trust him, not to be infallible but to make the best decision given the knowledge and circumstances. I have learned to save interjections if they are not based on fact and sound reasoning. Hard for me at times!

As we head off next week on the next leg of this continuing adventure, we will go slowly into the southern hemisphere, guided by insurance requirements and thoughtful exploration and analysis of weather patterns, ongoing communication with various weather sources and anticipation of another safe and fun passage.

The Katie G has been in the RMI for close to 16 months. Being a Canadian is not an advantage when cruising. People like you as a Canadian, but we are restricted in the amount of time we are allowed to stay in many places.

We bought visas to stay here an extended time. It has enabled us to explore a part of the world few have had the opportunity to visit. The history, the culture, the current problems and challenges of this tiny nation will stay in our minds and hearts long after we leave. The cruising community and the Yacht Club have been an integral part of our lives while here. We have made friends that will last the test of time. So many different ambitions - from solo non- stop circumnavigation to those who are out indefinitely, sailing on their “mobile homes” from one stop to another, governed by which countries do not have mandatory quarantines for their pets and many other diverse goals. It is a different mindset.

And so, as we prepare in the last few days of this pre-departure week, I will tell you our next stop will be Betio in Tarawa (the Kiribas for those not familiar with the new name).

Once checked in we hope to spend the rest of the allowed month in Abiang. After that, it all depends on how the weather (cyclone season) is settling.

We may have to prolong our trip by going to Tuvalu (Funafuti) before heading south to Fiji. In any case, I will, be sending another update before too long. More islands, more warm weather, more beautiful waters and more welcoming people await I am sure.

In these times of global unrest, this lifestyle is a world apart.

Sending all of you warm thoughts and big hugs,

Sv Katie G
Vessel Name: Katie G
Vessel Make/Model: Kelly Peterson 46
Crew: Chuck Gauthier and Karen Thomas
Hailing from Banff Alberta, Canada. We bought the Katie G in Dana Pt. Calif. [...]
Extra: Now we are leaving Mazatlan to head to the Baja and La Paz. A few jobs to do there and then up the islands and back across the Sea of Cortez to San Carlos to put the boat away for the summer.
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Created 9 March 2017