Calm after the Storm...
05 August 2022
by Amanda Kegley

I was able to get off work on Friday so we decided to depart yesterday! We checked the winds and weather and it looked good. As soon as we got out there, of course there was a weather alert from Hampton Roads. We were already pretty far in. We expected 15 knots of wind from the forecast but the waves were much bigger than anticipated. The storms hit us about 10pm and lasted until about 1am. I took the dogs down into the starboard aft cabin. They were not happy to say the least. The waves were huge and coming from all directions. Hard to gauge the exact size but probably around 6 to 8 feet. The wind was average about 30 to 35 knots during the storm and at point Mike saw it hit 42. We both took some sea sickness medicine. Thanks Carol, you are a lifesaver. Luckily the only issue was one of our small cameras went overboard. Mike was safe and tethered in....I couldn't relax until I knew he was tethered in. I was able to get some sleep. I took a night shift around 2am so Mike could get some rest. My first time navigating at night. The winds had died down when I took over for a bit. It's now noon on Friday and we are about 4 hours from our planned Anchorage in Sandy Hook. Since the winds are supposed to be 15 to 20 knots (which is what was predicted last night), we changed course and going to go through NY in the back side to make our way to Block Island either Sunday or Monday.