Sail Away With Me

11 July 2009 | Marsh Harbour
10 July 2009 | Abaco, Bahamas
09 July 2009 | Marsh Harbour
08 July 2009 | Marsh Harbour
06 July 2009 | Treasure Cay to Guana Cay
03 July 2009 | Fiddle Cay, Bahamas
24 June 2009 | Same
30 April 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
22 April 2009 | Green Turtle Cay, Abaco
10 April 2009 | Manjack Island
17 February 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
15 February 2009
14 February 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
13 February 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
11 February 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
07 February 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
06 February 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
05 February 2009
01 February 2009 | Bahamas
24 December 2008

Yankee Cay

14 February 2009 | Abacos Bahamas
I wanted to see what a Hurricane hole was like - just in case one day we need one, so Larry took me to Hogstyle Harbor also known as Hurricane hole. It is between Old Yankee Cay and Top Cay. It was 3-5ft going in the narrow entrance but once inside there was a 10-12ft hole just right for anchoring. We were tucked in real nice with mangroves all around. It was quite disturbing to see two wrecked boats in there, so much for a safe place from hurricanes. This was a wonderful place to explore with the dingy. Larry likes putting his head in the water with his dive mask to see whats under the water while I drive the dingy. Strange looking but fun. He saw a hugh Box fish, a small shark and numerous tropical fish. This was a great place to explore with the dingy. the next morning we anchored at Yankee Cay along a shallow sandbank where several commerical fishing boats were anchored long term. We didn't see anyone around. On shore was on old abandoned missle tracking base. Most of the military buildings were intack but time and lack of attention has taken its toll. There were several plywood shacks that the fisherman used during peak season which have also seen better days.
Vessel Name: Dana Jean
Vessel Make/Model: Gemini 105M Catamaran
Hailing Port: Kennewick, WA
Crew: Larry Gabaldon and Dana Brown

Sail Away with Me

Who: Larry Gabaldon and Dana Brown
Port: Kennewick, WA