Fox Town
15 February 2009
Monday afternoon, February 15, we left Old Yankee Cay over shallow sandbars 3.8-4.2 ft with strong tidal currents and 15 knots of north wind. We sailed wing on wing towards Fox Town. We made good time at 5 - 6 knots. Larry fished the whole way and one time caught two at the same time, boy, were we scrambling. We did not keep any fish today. We kept a close watch of the billowing clouds circling around us. We got to Fox Town and with a little help from a local man, Taylor, we were able to quickly tie up to the government (public) docks just before 20+ knot winds and rain came. We spent most of the day in the local restaurant/bar and caught up on our e-mail and reading. The winds howled all night and we were glad we were here, tied up snug and tight.