Back On Board
10 April 2009 | Manjack Island
80F slight breeze
Hello, we are back in the Abaco after spending March in Kennewick, WA. We went home to do taxes, check on our rentals and see family and friends. If we missed you we are sorry and we'll catch you next time or if you really miss us come down for a visit, the weather is great and the water is warm and we are always up for company. We are now at Manjack Island where we have good anchorage, access to the Atlantic Ocean for fishing and diving or snorkeling. We picked up some conch and Larry tried his hand at conch salad, it's kinda like a salsa, it was pretty good but the locals make it better. Think we used too much onion. We did get some pretty conch shells though. Will try to get more pictures - still hard to get internet conection - Keep in touch we love hearing from you.