Our First Company
22 April 2009 | Green Turtle Cay, Abaco

Hi everyone,
We are having a great time here in the Bahamas with Dana and Larry. We have been out fishing everyday and had good luck. Yesterday was the best , Melody caught a mutten snapper that weighed about 8 lbs, what a fun fish to land . I caught one just a little smaller but but!!!! A shark ate half of it. What a shock to see half a fish. We have some great pics but won't be able to send until we get home. Wi-fi is good to non-existent here. We have been cruising from island to island here in the Abaco Islands and trolling for fish as we travel. We have snorkeled a couple of times, but is has been too windy The weather has been quite breezy and sometimes choppy with 2-4 ft. swells. We thought we had left the wind back in the desert. The scenery is quite beautiful with beautiful colored waters and nice talcum like sand.
The first full day Larry caught three yellowtail snappers which we had for dinner along with some lobsters they had in the fridge. We have had fish for dinner almost every day except on Sunday we went to a pig roast dinner at a place called Nippers��"all you can eat. They had music and every one was dancing. They have a band here called the "Rake and Scrape". They sing along with pre-recorded music and draw a metal stick across the teeth of a hand saw while being accompanied by maracas. It is high energy music and hard not to get into the dancing. It is neat going from small town harbor to small town harbor and see the different clubs, restaurants, beaches and museums. The Abacos Islands have about 700 islands, so you can travel within them for quite a while. Yesterday we were on one to the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world��"Treasure Cay.
The local pronounciation of English is quite entertaining. It is like they are lazy and don't want to pronounce all the letters in a word. Everyting is dis and dat with the bes yet to come. Get the idea.?
All for now, we are getting ready to start todays adventure.