Sailing Regetta
06 July 2009 | Treasure Cay to Guana Cay

After the wonderful FREE Cheeseburger in Paradise party was the 34th sailing regatta, July 3rd - 11th. The $300.00 entry fee kept us from participating but by the second race we couldn't stand being left out, so we bit the bullet, paid our entry fee and for the first time ever became racers. The majority of boats came from Florida, with a few locals thrown in. Some come to race, others come to party. The race courses are triangular or round-the-islands. The goal of this sailing regatta is to increase summer visitors and to expose boaters to their wonderful cruising area. After every race there were award parties held on different islands in different settings. All, with free rum. The first race party was on Treasure Cay at the Coco beach bar. The Coco beach is rated one of the world's top 10 beaches. You would not believe how soft the sand is there. We were one of the few boats who anchored right off the beach. We have a draft of only 18 inches so we can just about park on shore. The sunset here was breath taking. At this party, Larry won a bottle of rum for doing the Electric Slide line dance. Personally I think it was rigged. There was Larry and four gals, me included, and you all know I dance better than Larry. I don't like rum but the prize should have been mine! The next day, the second race, the first for us, was a race from Treasure Cay to Guana Cay. Larry scrubbed the bottom of the boat that morning and we were excided. We studied the course and made our plans. The horn blew and we were off. What the be gee bees! How can a sail boat go backwards with the sails up? Look everyone's gone! We can't even see them and we haven't crossed the starting line yet! Larrys yelling orders, I'm about to cry and then we get a break. The committee boat wasn't going to wait for us. They picked up the starting bouy and just left. We now have no starting line to cross, what luck. We get going and plug our way along. We are about 30 minutes behind everyone but we are determined to finish our very first race. After rounding our first marker we see a storm coming, maybe we'll get some strong winds and catch up. Sure enough the storm came up from behind. I close all the hatches putting towels down where I know the leaks are. What the heck - the rain is falling sideways and coming in the door and back windows. Can't close the window, Larry's got to see the GPS. Can't close the door, I have to go in and out. Where are more towels? The storm did give us a push. But with all the rain we couldn't see! Larry's watching the GPS and I am straining my eyes to look ahead making sure we don't hit another boat. You couldn't see your nose in front of your face. This is crazy. The wind reaches 35-40 knots. We are flying. Just as I'm about to say "Stop this madness" the rain lifts and lo and behold right there, I mean right there in front of us is the marker. How did Larry do that? We round that marker with ease and head for the finish line. Where did the wind go? As we came slowly across the finish line hours after everyone else I think I saw some sour faces in the committee boat, were they going to be late for the party? Oh well, at least this time they waited for us and Larry and I finished our very first race! Yea! On to the next party! This party was on the main street (golf cart street, no cars) of Guana Cay. We had a wonderful hamburger and were pleased to hear our new friends from UK, Julia and Stuart on Just Too (Ju -Julia + St- Stuart = Just) won second place. Boy, were they happy and we were happy for them. No racing tomorrow, it's a day of rest and for us nursing wounded pride.