Final Race
11 July 2009 | Marsh Harbour
Light Winds

9:00 am Friday morning we were to call Jay, the sail maker, to see if he was able to fix our sail for the fifth and final regatta race. July 11th. This race is around- the- island race from Hope Town to Marsh Harbour, a reverse of the last race. We called Jay, Hurray, our sail is fixed, and the wait is over. Doug, from Amazing Grace, came right over in his real fast, cool looking dinghy to take Larry to fetch the newly repaired sail. Within an hour they were back. Larry and I quickly hoisted the sail. Doug brought Bob, the expert racer, over and we were on time and ready to kick ass. We checked in with the committee boat and practiced a little. Again Bob timed it just right and we were the first over the starting line. How does he do that? We were moving fast downwind and were able to try out our spinnaker pole for the first time. Bob is a good teacher and we were learning a lot about our boat and sailing. Like - no seat cushions are used in races. I guess so they don't get lost overboard or don't get in the way, so the seat cushions were stored below. We found out real sailors ware padded pants - they say it's for comfort but I think it's for vanity (adds a lot to your backside). I think you can find these pants at Fredrick's of Hollywood or some places like that. Is that right Bob? Larry and I don't have these special sailor pants so we cowboyed up and just sat on the hard deck. Ouch! We were doing great the first part of the race and rounded the first two markers in good time. It was at the third marker, trouble began. I cut it too close and hit the marker. Not only did I hit it but I hooked it with the rudder. We were hung up - Drat again and again - Larry quickly pulled the rudder up, unhooked us while I started our penalty 360 degree turn to round the marker again. Bob's giving orders left and right trying to get us back into the race. It only took us back by about 3 minutes but that was enough for us to lose the momentum of the wind. We need wind to get this heavy boat moving and the last leg of the race we were moving slower than molasses. The good thing was we did not come in last like the previous races. The bad thing was we didn't come in first, second or third either. No trophy for us, just another PARTY! Yeah! The awards party was at Crossings Beach in Marsh Harbour. Food, drinks, music and the Junkanoo. These Junkanoo dancers were in elaborate costumes, one with the USA flag and colors, one of the Canada flag and colors and one of the Bahamas and others. The Abaconians really know how to make us tourists feel welcome. To our surprise, Larry and I did get our moment in the sun. We won the Most Determined Award, a bottle of Rum. Wow! Trying, not giving up, having a really good time, meeting great people, pays off. Come share our prize with us.