Keris - Trip North to Darwin
15 May 2012 | Dunk Island
Arrived at Dunk Island approx 7.30pm last night. After a day of stopping here, stopping there (Lucinda and then Cardwell - Mike needed a Post Office) and some fun with the main sail, it was a long day. Of a night you would think Dunk Island was still in operation, lights ablaze. In the morning you can tell that there is very little happening here and when we went ashore, the Resort is closed. The destruction that Yasi did (Feb 2011) was beyond belief. We have called in here every time we have passed, it was certainly sad to see. We came across one of 7 workmen on the island and he informed us it has just been sold and the new owners intend to re-open in the future. Believe me there is a massive amount of rebuilding to be done. Will post some photos when I retake them. I managed to delete all the ones I took today. Not registered yet Nanette, will be doing it in Cairns, waiting to see if others want to do Indonesia leg.