Trip North to Darwin
19 May 2012 | Cairns
We had decided on having a few leisurely days, so we stayed at Dunk Island for 3 nights. On the afternoon of our 2nd day at Dunk, 2 yachts came in. We met Gordon and Sherry who are on Serenity and are doing the Rally. Gordon and Sherry knew the couple on the other yacht and they are also doing the Rally. Both couples are from the USA, returning home. On the morning of the 17th, we were in two minds, whether to stay or head for Mourilyan Harbour. The yachts left, so we then decided to follow suit. Had rain much of the way. In fact it continued to rain for the rest of the day and night. Fitzroy Island was our next anchorage (night of the 18th). Persistent showers. On into Cairns the next morning. Very good friends, Cheryl and Geoff are anchored in Trinity Inlet, so that is where we anchored. Spent a wonderful afternoon on Tookawhile catching up over a few glasses of wine. Then it was back to Keris for us to have dinner.