Trip North to Darwin
26 May 2012 | Lowe Islet
It was with a sad heart we left Cairns this morning, where we left behind great friends of ours. Not sure who came across who in the Kimberleys in 2009, we have remained close friends. We have spent a week here (19 - 26th). Cairns did not put on any spectular weather, I think there was only one day where we did not have any rain. We spent the first 4 nights on the pick in the inlet where our friends were. Then into the Marina to do the usual - washing, shopping, etc. Watched State of Origin at the Courthouse with Geoff and Cheryl and a couple of young Navy guys, who seem to have the dream job, cruising along the coast, fishing, snorkeling etc when not apprehending boats...
We left Cairns at 0700 hours after refueling and arrived at Lowe Islet approx. 1330 hours. The past couple of days have been quite chilly, never thought I'd be cold in this part of Queensland.