Finally at the Start Line
04 July 2012 | Darwin

We had three nights in Gove. Kelvin and Ruth came in just behind us, originally they were going to give Gove a miss, but repairs were needed and parts to be ordered. We replenished and headed out at 1000 hours on the 20th June. It was a few hours run to Hopeful Bay where we stayed two nights. Kelvin and Ruth arrived and we moved round to Nip Point where we thought we would get better shelter from strong winds. It was nice to have some company for a few days, we passed the time away enjoying each others company as well as playing Scrabble and Cards. We left Kelvin and Ruth on the 26th and headed for Valentia Island which was approximately a 37 hour run. After a couple of nights there, it was off to Danger Point, which was our overnight anchorage. Next day it was just a short run to Black Point (at the entrance to Essington Port). We went ashore to the Rangers Station and checked out the small museum. After 2 nights at Black Point, we went to go across to Popham Bay to get a better run for Darwin. We decided that afternoon (1st June) that we would catch the tide in the early hours of the next morning and get into Darwin. Nine weeks four days and 2275NM later, we arrived in Darwin. All in all, it has been a good trip so far, no major hiccups, oh we did lose a prop though.... somewhere in Van Demiens Gulf.