04 August 2012 | Indonesia
Even though we had not been cleared by customs , immigration etc, we were allowed to go ashore on the evening we arrived for the Gala Dinner. Singing, dancing, (the Governor and Vice Governor there). Welcomed like royalty. Next morning customs etc came on to Keris, handed over paperwork. With that done we still had to go customs ashore and sign copious amounts of paper work. No computers involved and had to hand over 3 and 4 copies of all required documents. Kupang is the capital of East Nusa Tenggara and is a bustling medium sized town. Did a tour with another 2 couples. Was fascinating to see how they live and etch out a pittance to survive.
The majority of Indonesia leads a very simplistic life style, though everyone seems to have a mobile phone and a motor cycle. In some areas, they still barter for goods and services. Still very much a third world country.
A farewell Gala Dinner was held on the last evening (4th August).