26 September 2012 | Lovina Beach
Could not help myself, I just had to add a post about Snoopy. He is doing well, I guess he has not been on land now for almost 2 months. We have taken him to the beach twice, the second time almost ended in disaster. Sometimes he comes over to Ruth and Kelvin's boat with us, they both love him. Ruth loves to brush him, he is getting more tolerant of a brushing. Snoopy knows that the dinghy is a way of getting off the boat and sometimes we find him sitting in the dinghy waiting for us. Ruth and Kelvin looked after him while we went to Bali and one night when Kelvin was late feeding him, Snoopy had already helped himself. He can open the cupboard where his biscuits are kept, knocked the container out, the lid came off and he had himself a right royal feast. I'm sure he gained a kilo that weekend. He has done it several times since, the biscuits have now been moved to another spot. He gets fresh fish most nights, I manage to catch them in a small fish scoop, talk about spoilt. We are about a week from Singapore, a marina, not sure what to do with Snoopy, for Australian Quarantine purposes, he should not go on land, but we all know what he is like...